
I'm trying to expand the markup possibilities by adding code blocks that
get styled using the https://github.com/codelibs/jhighlight library (which
emits HTML). I've written a filter that uses preTranslate to look for a
particular syntax I invented ("[....]") and replaces the contents of those
with the output of the library. So far, all is going well.

The problem is if I add "{{{" and "}}}" around the output, it subsequently
escapes all HTML entities and markup, which is not what I want (they're
used to style the code). But if I don't add those, it adds various kinds of
auto-links to the code - which i also don't want. Is there a way to tell
JSPWiki "this block is done, don't transform it in any way"?

If plugins could have a body, something like
...code to be styled goes here...
that might work, but I think that's not possible?

Any hints on how to achieve something like this would be welcome. Thanks in

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