Hi Bengt,

just back home ;)

We found an issue around Aries Blueprint (around graceperiod and deadlock especially). I gonna work on your issue this afternoon and see to fix it on Aries.


On 11/08/2012 10:41 AM, Bengt Rodehav wrote:
I just tried doing the same thing using Karaf 2.2.9, that is:

  * Add an ipojo feature
  * Add the jpa and ipojo feature to featuresBoot

This works without any problems. Of course, Karaf 2.2.9 uses
org.apache.aries.util version 0.3.1 while Karaf 2.3.0 uses version
1.0.0. One of my main reasons for upgrading Karaf is in fact to upgrade
Aries to a modern version.

Don't know if this means that the problem lies within Aries or not. I
still think that there is something fishy going on in Karaf.


2012/11/8 Bengt Rodehav <be...@rodehav.com <mailto:be...@rodehav.com>>

    Hello JB,

    Just wanted to check whether you've managed to recreate this and
    possibly explain what is happening. I'm wondering if there might be
    a problem with the implementation of the feature functionality which
    is why I don't want this in production yet (but I have to upgrade
    our production servers very soon).

    My reasoning is as follows: If the org.apache.aries.util bundle is
    already installed (and possibly active - don't know what the timing
    looks like) then installing a feature containing the
    org.apache.aries.util bundle should be a noop - right? But
    apparently the feature functionality does something regarding this
    bundle anyway. What should it do? Why should it do anything?


    2012/11/7 Bengt Rodehav <be...@rodehav.com <mailto:be...@rodehav.com>>

        The workaround I'm currently using is to modify the
        enterprise-2.3.0-features.xml so that the *jpa* feature and the
        *jndi* feature no longer include the org.apache.aries.util
        bundle. Then everything seems to work (the org.apache.aries.util
        bundle is installed anyway thanks to startup.properties).

        However, I still don't feel comfortable putting this into
        production until I know what is happening.


        2012/11/5 Bengt Rodehav <be...@rodehav.com

            Thanks a lot JB,


            2012/11/5 Jean-Baptiste Onofré <j...@nanthrax.net

                Hi Bengt,

                thanks for the detailed explanation.

                I will try to create a use case (without iPojo) to
                reproduce the issue (in combination with jpa feature).


                On 11/05/2012 04:59 PM, Bengt Rodehav wrote:

                    Some more findings...

                    It seems like the Karaf Shell
                    (org.apache.karaf.shell.__console) bundle
                    uses packages from aries (e g
                    org.apache.aries.blueprint) which in turn
                    uses packages from org.apache.aries.util. Could it
                    be that when
                    the org.apache.aries.util bundle is installed as
                    part of the jpa
                    feature, it somehow causes a refresh which causes
                    dependent bundles
                    (such as the org.apache.karaf.shell.console bundle)
                    to be rewired. This
                    in turn would probably reinitialize the console (I'm
                    probably using the
                    wrong terminology here but you know what I mean...).

                    If that is the case, then it seems highly
                    undesirable to include
                    the org.apache.aries.util bundle in the jpa feature.

                    I don't have an explanation as to why this problem
                    only occurs together
                    with iPojo but I assume that it somehow triggers the


                    2012/11/5 Bengt Rodehav <be...@rodehav.com
                    <mailto:be...@rodehav.com> <mailto:be...@rodehav.com

                         BTW, I tried using iPojo 1.6.8 instead to see
                    if this is a problem
                         introduced in later iPojo versions. I do,
                    however, get the same
                         problems using iPojo 1.6.8 which implies that
                    it's not a newly
                         introduced iPojo problem.


                         2012/11/5 Bengt Rodehav <be...@rodehav.com
                    <mailto:be...@rodehav.com> <mailto:be...@rodehav.com

                             I'm trying to upgrade my custom Karaf
                    distribution to Karaf
                             2.3.0 but have ran into some problems. It
                    seems there is some
                             kind of conflict between ipojo 1.8.2 and
                    the jpa feature -
                             specifically the org.apache.aries.util
                    bundle in the jpa feature.

                             I install ipojo as a feature (not listed in
                             But when I do this I get the following

                             /2012-11-05 15:51:20,251 | INFO  | l
                    Console Thread | Console

                    araf.shell.console.jline.__Console  199
                             | 14 - org.apache.karaf.shell.console -
                    2.3.0 | Exception caught
                             while executing command/
                    read() with timeout
                             cannot be called as non-blocking operation
                    is disabled/










                             Then it seems like Karaf (or Felix)
                    restarts somehow since I get
                             another "Karaf" logo in the console. The
                    issue can be reproduced
                             quite easily:

                             1. Download a fresh Karaf 2.3.0

                             2. Create a new feature containing the
                    ipojo bundle. The easiest
                             way is probably to add the following lines
                    to the
                             enterprise-2.3.0-features.xml in the
                    "system" folder:

                                  <feature name="ipojo">


                             3. Edit the
                    etc/org.apache.karaf.features.__cfg as follows:


                             Some other obeservations:

                             - If I switch the jpa and the ipojo
                    features I get other exceptions.

                             - The org.apache.aries.util bundle is part
                    of the jpa feature
                             (start level 30) but it is also present in
                             (start level 20).

                             - If I remove the org.apache.aries.util
                    bundle from the jpa
                             feature then things seem to work.

                             - If I install ipojo by using
                    startup.properties instead of
                             using a feature then things seem to work.

                             The last two observations might imply that
                             and ipojo must be resolved at the same time
                    (start levels do not
                             make any difference).

                             I'm not sure if this post belongs here or
                    in Felix mailing list.
                             However, since it seems to involve the
                    enterprise features that
                             is part of Karaf I try here first. It's
                    very confusing. Although
                             I have found a couple of work-arounds I
                    don't feel comfortable
                             using them since I don't know what is

                             Does anyone have a clue?


                Jean-Baptiste Onofré
                jbono...@apache.org <mailto:jbono...@apache.org>
                Talend - http://www.talend.com

Jean-Baptiste Onofré
Talend - http://www.talend.com

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