I second Achim here: we did Cave exactly to easily provide maven and OBR 
repositories server !

Sent from my Samsung device

-------- Original message --------
From: Achim Nierbeck <bcanh...@googlemail.com> 
Date: 16/04/2015  00:12  (GMT+01:00) 
To: user@karaf.apache.org 
Subject: Re: Deploying applications on Karaf 

regarding OBR server, you still can use the Apache Karaf Cave modules to turn 
one of your Karaf instances into an OBR server ;)
regards, Achim 
2015-04-15 22:41 GMT+02:00 Ryan Moquin <fragility...@gmail.com>:
Thanks Achim.  I think that adding it to your pom with aggregate features set 
on the plugin will add it to the features xml.
Ah, that's right.  That's what I observed and forgot that it matches what you 
guys said about feature uninstalling.
I can't wait to try Karaf 4.
I'll get details on it and ask the ops4j guys.
I am thinking I should look into utilizing OBR with Karaf.  Not sure if 
Artifactory can function as an OBR like Nexus still.
Hi Ryan, 
some comments inline
regards, Achim 

2015-04-13 0:14 GMT+02:00 Ryan Moquin <fragility...@gmail.com>:
Don't get me, features are a ton of help.  :)  I could maintain the features 
myself, I just hate to have to keep two lists of dependencies.  The reason that 
the karaf maven plugin is a little tough sometimes is because it's hard to make 
sure that you don't end up with bundles in a generated feature that should come 
from a dependent feature without making everything provided.  Making most of 
the dependencies provided makes it hard to have transitive dependencies 
available in project dependencies because they are marked provided in the other 
poms.  There is probably a better way to handle it that I haven't figured out 
yet.  My project is growing rapidly so I am trying to leverage whatever tools I 
can to keep my features clean and not have to spend lots of time on them.
Have you tried to add features as dependencies to your pom. AFAIK those should 
show up as dependencies in the generated features.xml. If not we just found a 
new use-case for the maven plugin and you could open an issue for it ;) One 
thing I've been wrestling with (not sure if this has been improved in Karaf 4)

is figuring out how to upgrade features and handle undeploying features.. I've 
played around with it but I guess I'm not sure I understand the proper way to 
do it.  Such as if you had an application deployed in an environment and wanted 
to upgrade a feature, do you have to install the new features and uninstall the 
old one?  When I've tried to uninstall a feature previously, it didn't seem 
like everything got removed.Till Karaf 4, you explicitly need to uninstall 
transitive features because the features installer used to be quite dumb and 
therefore doesn't know of possible other dependencies on this feature. With 
Karaf 4 this will improve quite a bit.  
I want want to be able to do incremental upgrades of my app but not sure the 
best way to achieve that with features.  :)  I've done quite a lot of research 
on it but haven't quite narrowed down a concrete way to do it (I mean beyond 
manually upgrading individual bundles in the karaf console.)
Upgrades is still an "open" field, with Karaf 4 I think it will be easier.  Our 
Bamboo instance has access to the internet.  I think it hangs right at the 
beginning of Pax Exam starting up.  It's such a pain to deal with our Bamboo 
EC2 instance that I haven't been able to find out why it's hanging yet.maybe 
post this as a question at the OPS4j list with some more details of the 

On Apr 12, 2015 2:34 AM, "Achim Nierbeck" <bcanh...@googlemail.com> wrote:
Hi Ryan, 
see comments inline. 
regards, Achim 

2015-04-12 0:37 GMT+02:00 Ryan Moquin <fragility...@gmail.com>:
Thanks, Achim.  I am using a custom Karaf distribution, but maintaining 
deployment flexibility using features feels a little tougher than it feels like 
it should be (I don't have any better ideas).That's strange, cause features are 
there to make life easier not harder. Make sure you cut the features right, not 
to big but also not to small (like one bundle, one feature). Usually it helps 
to create those feature files yourself as the plugin can't estimate what your 
intension of this combination of bundles is.    I also have issues with my 
Karaf integration tests in Bamboo.  Paxexam seems to not be able to initialize 
properly for who knows what reason.  Another problem is that I seem to run into 
a lot of problems in the tests and can't seem to find anything in the output or 
Karaf love that indicate.the problem.  If I run it normally in Karaf, I usually 
get clued into what the issue is.Now that could be addressed. First of all, 
does it work for you on your machine? Is Bamboo capable of connecting to the 
internet. Is maven capable of connecting to the required repositories. Do you 
have all dependencies defined in your POM, so the configuration section of the 
test does find those (combined with the depends-maven-plugin)

One last thing is that since my development shop uses MacOSx, Docker containers 
have to be run in a VM which feels silly and is slow.  I don't have a choice in 
that manner.Oh, I'm working with MacOSx too. I know it can be cumbersome but 
running 4 images in parallel can be done :-)
It would be nice if there was a way to manage feature xml files in a way that 
felt more straight forward....  Maybe there is and I'm just not aware of it.You 
have the choices, use the karaf maven plugin for generation, or build those 
yourself. In the end it's up to how you want your application build. But maybe 
I miss something cause usually you have a certain set of bundles running in 
your application that need to run anyway. With this setup you can test your 
On Apr 8, 2015 3:07 PM, "Achim Nierbeck" <bcanh...@googlemail.com> wrote:
just recently for a talk with showcase I was thinking about how to create a 
CI/CD build pipeline with Karaf. Maybe some of this does help you.[1] In the 
end I ended up with a setup where I have a pre-configured Karaf (custom build) 
which is startable as Docker Image or can be used as startup tar.gz of the Pax 
Exam integration tests. Usually camel routes are more about Integration 
therefore the most use-cases need to be handled by Integration tests. In those 
scenarios you just can't rely only on the camel-core bundles therefore you need 
more features just to have your unit tests/integration tests runnable. In those 
scenarios I usually suggest build your own distribution on top of Karaf and use 
it as your base-image in the pax-exam tests. If there is more external 
infrastructure needed I tend to use either full-integration test systems or now 
a docker based test-environment which can be started via a maven goal as 
pre-intergration phase systems. 
regards, Achim 
[1] - https://github.com/ANierbeck/JavaLang-Tooling
2015-04-08 17:24 GMT+02:00 Ryan Moquin <fragility...@gmail.com>:
I have another question regarding Karaf and deployments.  I was hoping maybe 
some others could chime in on how they deal with the following situation.
I've been working on a fairly complex Karaf based application.  I'm using 
features heavily to allow deploying the correct resources in different 
environments (configuration and bundles).  I find it works very well except for 
a couple situations:
1.  Unit testing.  It's hard to unit test things like camel routes since I have 
ended up basically marking all bundle dependencies as provided (in order to 
keep the created features files .  So if I try to unit test a Camel route, 
transitive dependencies have to be directly added to the project pom.
2.  I have all my configurations defined in a maven project for assembling the 
final features xml file.  This of course doesn't make it easy to use any of 
those configurations in camel integration tests since configurations needed for 
config admin would have to be added to the projects test resources.
Obviously the two brief examples above focus mostly on Camel, but the main 
problem is that I'm trying to figure out how I can no longer make everything 
provided in my bundle project provided scope without having to manually 
maintain the features files.
That being said, I was looking at Apache Ace, but I'm not sure if using Apache 
Ace would cause it to be more work to do Karaf integration testing since Apache 
Ace doesn't use Karaf features.  I thought about maybe using OBR, but we use 
Artifactory and so I'm not sure if going down the OBR route might ultimately 
not be possible (I could be wrong but Artifactory doesn't appear to have OBR 
support), also I read that OSGi has moved away from OBR to different repository 
mechanism (forget offhand what it's called).  I looked into Apache Cave, but I 
don't want to rock the boat where I'm at yet since I'm the only one pushing 
Karaf and OSGi currently.  I don't want to try to push things out of my 
organizations comfort zone by getting too radical in my project deployment.  I 
haven't gotten to read into the Karaf 4.0 profiles yet.
What it really boils down to is that I'm not sure which deployment approach 
with Karaf would be the best to use out of all the options with the goal of 
moving to a continuous deployment model.
Hoping someone might be willing to comment on how they solved these issues or 
maybe what direction I should look at going down that will allow me to improve 
these aspects.  It took me a while to get things where they are at, I want to 
be pretty confident in what path I go down next since if it doesn't pan out, it 
will be a lot of potentially wasted time and effort. :)
Thanks in advance for any thoughts/suggestions.  


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blog <http://notizblog.nierbeck.de/>Co-Author of Apache Karaf Cookbook 
Software Architect / Project Manager / Scrum Master 


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Project Lead
blog <http://notizblog.nierbeck.de/>Co-Author of Apache Karaf Cookbook 
Software Architect / Project Manager / Scrum Master 


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OPS4J Pax Web <http://wiki.ops4j.org/display/paxweb/Pax+Web/> Committer & 
Project Lead
blog <http://notizblog.nierbeck.de/>Co-Author of Apache Karaf Cookbook 
Software Architect / Project Manager / Scrum Master 

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