Do you have pointers about those "application bundles" ?

2015-11-26 10:59 GMT+01:00 David Leangen <>:

> I have written down some ideas here some time ago:
> Very nice !
> I agree we would need to also bring the features into the OBR at some
> point. Karaf already uses a special capability to describe features
> internally to feed the resolver. We should be able to extend and
> standardize this.
> Great!
> Currently, when I deploy bundles from the dev environment, if I also need
> a features.xml file, then it needs to be shipped together with the OBR as
> part of my deployment package. My repo then looks something like this:
> index.xml
> index.xml.sha
> features.xml
> …
> It seems odd to me, and not DRY, that both index.xml and features.xml are
> provided in the same place like this. They seem to have very similar
> functions. So folding these into the OBR itself sounds right to me.
> I believe that OSGi presumes that the bundle developer is a different role
> from the operator. I would argue that the creation of features is an
> operator function, not a bundle developer function.
> Normally an operator/admin does not want to be too much involved into the
> definition of the features.
> I do not disagree!
> So I think this should be part of the development process. The operator
> would be just given the deployment unit with the instructions how to
> install it.
> Perhaps, but I am not so sure.
> I can envision, for instance, configuration parameters on 3 levels:
>  1) default parameters (probably provided in the code)
>       * reasonable defaults for a generalised environment
>       * coded by the developer
>  2) default parameters for a specific installation / runtime
>       * system values for that particular environment
>       * provided by the developer, IF the developer is part of the same
> team
>  3) maintenance or operational parameters
>       * stuff the operator needs to do to get and keep a system running
>       * likely related to a particular machine (IP address, port numbers,
> disk usage…)
> We are also toying with the idea of a “user operator” (kind of a support
> person, but who interfaces with the OSGi system) or something like that,
> meaning somebody who can install new users, help users fix problems during
> runtime, and so on.
> The more expertise these operators require (such as OSGi / bundle-level
> knowledge) the costlier the system becomes.
> To get back to the point… enRoute/bndtools seems to promote the idea of an
> “application bundle”, which pulls in all the required dependencies. If this
> bundle already provides everything I need to get a “feature” (in the
> general sense) up and running, then why all the extra cruft around it? All
> I need to do is detect this “application bundle(s)” in my OBR, and I can
> just pull in the other requirements. No?
> Ok, instead of making a fool of myself on this list, maybe I should try
> out my ideas in the code first as a proof of concept. :-)
> Cheers,
> =David

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