Am 26.11.2015 um 10:59 schrieb David Leangen:
Perhaps, but I am not so sure.

I can envision, for instance, configuration parameters on 3 levels:

 1) default parameters (probably provided in the code)
      * reasonable defaults for a generalised environment
      * coded by the developer

 2) default parameters for a specific installation / runtime
      * system values for that particular environment
* provided by the developer, IF the developer is part of the same team

 3) maintenance or operational parameters
      * stuff the operator needs to do to get and keep a system running
* likely related to a particular machine (IP address, port numbers, disk usage…)

What you describe is a typical configuration problem especially when having different evnvironments like dev, test, prod which is absolutely common. Karaf does not yet provide a full solution for this. You can already provide default configs but it is still difficult to express what needs to be configured for the different environments. On the other hand I think that these configs have a different lifecycle than the application code. So I think it needs to be handled separately from features.

I have scoped such a scenario a long time ago here:

This is just an overview of the problem though and does not provide an actual solution.

We are also toying with the idea of a “user operator” (kind of a support person, but who interfaces with the OSGi system) or something like that, meaning somebody who can install new users, help users fix problems during runtime, and so on.

The more expertise these operators require (such as OSGi / bundle-level knowledge) the costlier the system becomes.

To get back to the point… enRoute/bndtools seems to promote the idea of an “application bundle”, which pulls in all the required dependencies. If this bundle already provides everything I need to get a “feature” (in the general sense) up and running, then why all the extra cruft around it? All I need to do is detect this “application bundle(s)” in my OBR, and I can just pull in the other requirements. No?
Not sure about the application bundle. What I saw is that bndtools uses the bndrun file to define the requirements for the resolver. I agree that in the application case features are not absolutely required. In fact I talked to Peter Kriens at eclipsecon about it and he is not yet convinced that features are needed. I have also done some tests in bndtools and was able to get cxf as well as jpa + hibernate running just with a obr repo and a bndrun file. The list of bundles / requirements I needed to define was not that big.

On the other hand features can define things that you might overlook when just using a bndrun file. So for example CXF would like to replace certain jdk built in specs and impls for security or performance reasons. These things are more difficult to express in the form of a bndrun file.


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