
Wow! This list is really active. :-D

I think Christian explains it quite well. Allow me to add in more concrete, 
low-level details to complement this explanation.

First of all, I have a “bootstrapping" bundle, with no dependencies on any of 
my other bundles, but some dependencies on, for example, Karaf. This bundle 
handles the deployment functions described below. This bundle is set up as a 
boot feature in Karaf. Along with the things being discussed below, it will 
allow me to accomplish my objective.

In my development environment, I have several bndtools workspaces in Eclipse. I 
believe this is quite typical in a bndtools environment. Each workspace usually 
(but not always) has an “application bundle”, whose purpose is to pull in all 
the requirements for the “application” (what is, I believe, essentially 
homologous to a Karaf feature, minus the configuration).

In my enRoute application bundles, I created a KarafFeature annotation like 

        ns = "karaf.identity",
        value = "type=karaf.feature"
public @interface KarafFeature
    String name();
    String description();
    String version();

Used on my “application service” class:

        name = “feature-name",
        description = “Short description of feature",
        version = “1.0.0"
public class TestInstallation

The capability output via bnd to the Manifest:

  Provide-Capability: karaf.identity;description=“Short description of 


> The requirement for a feature is already formalized in karaf:
> osgi.identity;osgi.identity=feature-name;type=karaf.feature;version="version-range"

I tried this, but apparently bnd does not like it, so in my implementation I 
changed it from “osgi.identity” to “karaf.identity”. I don’t know if this is a 
bug in bnd, or if Karaf is using osgi.identity for something it should not. :-) 

bnd provides a “release” function, which creates an OBR with all the bundles 
from the workspace. This can be done via Eclipse or as a headless build from 
gradle. Thus, for each workspace, on the CI server, when a build is successful, 
the result is an OBR repo as the output.

I currently use Bamboo for our CI server. It has a “deployment” function, which 
we use to push the released OBR repos to a repository server. The developer’s 
job ends here, as this is also the handoff point to the deployer. I believe 
that the roles should be separated. From a business perspective, if we required 
that a deployer has the same level of expertise as a developer, things would be 
very expensive. ;-)

In crappy ASCII art, it would be:

+-----+                 +--------+ 
| Dev |——>[OBR Repos]<——| Deploy |
+-----+                 +--------+ 

Once in Karaf, since I want to have a local cache of my OBR repositories in 
order to completely decouple the runtime system from any development or 
deployment system, I (programmatically) have Cave populate corresponding local 
caches. So my deployment bundle will first obtain and cache the OBR 
repositories (one for each bnd workspace) and cache it locally via Cave.

The deployer, when initiating a deployment, will therefore pull the released 
OBR repos via Cave. I then parse the respository.xml file to find any 
capabilities in the karaf.identity namespace, and pull in any information I 
need to create a Karaf feature on the fly. (Probably you can imagine this, but 
I can show you the fairly trivial code if necessary.)

I have an XML parser that will extract the information necessary to generate 
the Karaf feature from the capabilities in the application bundle in each Repo. 
However, if I could input either the bundle or the repo and let Karaf extract 
the feature information, that would be even better.

Based on the above, I could easily create Karaf commands to allow the deployer 
to pull in the latest versions (deployed as OBR repos) and deploy as necessary 
as features, which would be generated on the fly from the included capabilities.

I believe that this would be a very nice, easy, and natural way to “integrate” 
an eRoute (bnd) development environment with the Karaf runtime. Developers 
continue to work as usual, in theory without having to worry about which 
runtime is being used, while the deployer can do her job very easily from start 
to finish from the Karaf command line without having to stop the system, change 
configuration, or even call on developers (unless something blows up).

Please let me know if I can provide any further info. :-)


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