I'm not sure exactly how the "resolve" in bndtools work, but in Karaf, the
is done on all constraints, including generic capabilities / requirements,
including osgi services.

In this very case, you have a bundle that requires the osgi.unresolvable
Why did you add this requirement on your bundle ?
Try removing it from your bundle manifest.
Also, I'm not sure how that would work in the OSGi framework, as the OSGi
also resolve generic capabilities and requirements.  The only different is
flagged with effective:="active" which are ignored by the framework
There are some flags in Karaf to disable them too if needed.


2016-09-20 13:45 GMT+02:00 <t...@quarendon.net>:

> I'm really struggling to get my bundles installed in Karaf, so I'd
> appreciate
> some hints on how to diagnose some issues. I'm trying to do a
> feature:install of
> a features.xml file I've written to install my bundles.
> My latest is:
> missing requirement osgi.wiring.package;
> filter:="(&(osgi.wiring.package=osgi.enroute.dto.api)(
> version>=1.0.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))"
> [caused by: Unable to resolve osgi.enroute.base.api [62](R 62.0): missing
> requirement [osgi.enroute.base.api [62](R 62.0)] osgi.unresolvable;
> (&(must.not.resolve=*)(!(must.not.resolve=*)))]]]
> My interpretation of this is that I've got conflicting versions of
> something. I
> have no idea what, nor to figure out what the cause is.
> Up to now I've always just been using bndtools in eclipse (and the bundles
> I'm
> installing all work fine there), my first experience of Karaf was
> yesterday, so
> beyond what I've read in the docs, I know nothing about what useful
> commands
> there might be to help me diagnose. I don't even know how I would list
> what I've
> currently got installed that might satisfy osgi.enroute.dto.api or
> osgi.enroute.base.api.
> Any hints would be much appreciated.
> This seems to be extraordinarily more complicated that "resolve" in
> bndtools, or
> am I being naive?
> Thanks.

Guillaume Nodet
Red Hat, Open Source Integration

Email: gno...@redhat.com
Web: http://fusesource.com
Blog: http://gnodet.blogspot.com/

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