On 28/11/2016 15:14, Christian Schneider wrote:
On 28.11.2016 15:14, Tim Ward wrote:
Thanks - replies inline:

On 28/11/2016 13:50, Christian Schneider wrote:
You already found the confiFile option for features. This is the most widely used option.

So what is the "URL" in the <configFile> element, and how do my config files get there from git?
The URL typically is a maven url. See https://github.com/apache/karaf-decanter/blob/master/assembly/src/main/feature/feature.xml#L241 The default configs are deployed there using build-helper-maven-plugin: https://github.com/apache/karaf-decanter/blob/master/appender/kafka/pom.xml#L50-L69

Sorry, I'm not sure I get that.

Where, physically, do the config files go? (I've never used a "Maven URL", and we use bndtools not Maven for building.)

I was expecting something where the config files were somewhere inside the bundle or feature being deployed.

Tim Ward

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