Le 12/01/2017 à 00:04, Brad Johnson a écrit :

And I suppose you’ll commonly run multiple Karaf instances in single Docker instance.<http://vzurczak.wordpress.com>

Although it is feasible, I think you do not need Karaf instances when you use Karaf Docker containers.
The default instance is enough.

When to use which one?
If you have JRE on your host system, you could directly use Karaf instances.
If you want to provide Docker images as a quick install solution (e.g. users do not have to install a JRE on their system), just deliver a Docker image with a single Karaf instance. Then, running multiple instances will be achieved by launching seveal containers. It is not a technical choice per se, it is about how users will manipulate your product.


Vincent Zurczak
Linagora: www.linagora.com <http://www.linagora.com/>

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