>>>>> Steinar Bang <s...@dod.no>:

>>>>> Hello Steinar! I'm using liquibase in karaf for some time, and to
>>>>> fix that you need to repackage the liquibase-slf4j for it to be a
>>>>> fragment of the liquibase bundle. Here's how:

>>>>> https://gist.github.com/YgorCastor/44fb3a13520d28aa328c4975f8bf5e8c

>>>>> and in your feature:

>>>>> <feature name="liquibase" description="OSGiFied Liquibase" 
>>>>> start-level="40" version="3.5.1">
>>>>> <bundle>mvn:org.liquibase/liquibase-core/3.5.1</bundle>
>>>>> <bundle>mvn:org.yaml/snakeyaml/1.17</bundle>
>>>>> <bundle 
>>>>> start-level="35">mvn:com.mattbertolini/liquibase-slf4j-osgi/2.0.0</bundle>
>>>>> </feature>

> I was thinking "attach to the bundle using liquibase", so that was what
> I read...

> But what you clearly say here is: "attach to the org.liquibase.core
> bundle". :-)

> When I followed your instructions, and:
>  - Created a maven module that rebundled the liquibase-slf4j jar into an
>    OSGi bundle fragment (as outlined in your gist)
>  - Modified the feature.xml file as outlined in the quoted file above
>    (the start levels are important)

> I have some modifications to the bundling compared to the gist.  I will
> post a followup to this article with a link to the code, when I
> eventually push the liquibase changes.

I've now pushed the liquibase changes to this branch (including the
liquibase-slf4j based logging):

The liquibase-slf4j changes was made in this commit:

I've also created a standalone liqibase-core feature for karaf:

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