>>>>> Christian Schneider <ch...@die-schneider.net>:

> Sounds great. Can you also open issues for what you found and changed at
> liquibase? Maybe we can persuade them to deliver the necesary changes
> themselves.

There already are existing liquibase issues on the logging issue:

CORE-2038 is replacing the proprietary logging with slf4j and it is a
stated goal for liquibase 4.0[1]

I have made a comment on CORE-2038[3].

Unfortunately, looking at the github state of the 4.0.x branch of
liquibase[2], there has been no activity for two years.  Instead the
work has focused on the 3.x releases (which has the old logging in

FWIW apart from the logging annoyance, liquibase is great.  I was able
to replace a lot of code from setup of tests using the derby database,
all of my database setup code for the derby database, easily set up the
same schema in both derby and postgres, and automate manual setup of
initial values in the postgresql database (creating an admin user and
some initial task types).

(And I got to that point in a day or three... then spent over a week
trying to avoid having the karaf console flooded with log messages...)

[2] <https://github.com/liquibase/liquibase/tree/4.0.x/liquibase-core>

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