Ok, I guess I’ve resolved my package resolution issues.  I finally realized 
that "hibernate-validator-osgi-features" is not a feature id, but simply the 
“name” property in the “features” element in the features.xml file.  When I 
changed my feature reference to “hibernate-validator” (you may have been trying 
to tell me this), that got past package resolution.

Unfortunately, I’m now back to the original problem that led me to try tweaking 
the feature references, which is this:

Unable to create a Configuration, because no Bean Validation provider could be 
found. Add a provider like Hibernate Validator (RI) to your classpath.

The feature references were definitely wrong before, but there must be 
something else wrong now after fixing the feature references.

I tried changing the “LogLevel” in my PaxExam configuration from WARNING to 
DEBUG.  This gave me a lot more information, but I don’t know if it’s useful.  
Is there some other karaf config that might be relevant here?

From: Achim Nierbeck [mailto:bcanh...@googlemail.com]
Sent: Monday, June 05, 2017 11:48 AM
To: user@karaf.apache.org
Subject: Re: PaxExam test using hibernate validator can't find validator


You can extract the resolution chain from that message:

org.osgi.service.resolver.ResolutionException: Unable to resolve root:

missing requirement [root] osgi.identity; osgi.identity=usl-fraudcheck; 
type=karaf.feature; version="[2.5.0.SNAPSHOT,2.5.0.SNAPSHOT]"; 

means that this feature can't be resolve because -->

[caused by: Unable to resolve usl-fraudcheck/2.5.0.SNAPSHOT:

a missing requirement:
missing requirement [usl-fraudcheck/2.5.0.SNAPSHOT] osgi.identity; 
osgi.identity=com.att.detsusl.usl-fraudcheck-api; type=osgi.bundle; 
version="[2.5.0.SNAPSHOT,2.5.0.SNAPSHOT]"; resolution:=mandatory

the bundle com.att.detsusl.usl-fraudcheck-api in version 2.5.0-SNAPSHOT can't 
be resolved
[caused by: Unable to resolve com.att.detsusl.usl-fraudcheck-api/2.5.0.SNAPSHOT:

beacause of a missing requirement:

missing requirement [com.att.detsusl.usl-fraudcheck-api/2.5.0.SNAPSHOT]

a package -->
osgi.wiring.package; filter:="(&(osgi.wiring.package=


in version greater 1.1.0 and less then 2.0.0


Note that usl-fraudcheck-impl is the module that this features file is 
contained within (this seems odd, but I didn’t write this). Also note that the 
“usl-fraudcheck-api” module does NOT have a features file, which seems wrong to 

I fear you misunderstand the difference between a feature file and bundles.

First of all a bundle is a jar with OSGi Manifest entries declaring 
Package-Imports and Package Exports.
Package-Imports are such "requirements"
For example your
declares an Import Package requirement, or better an osgi.wiring.package 
requirement for
a package javax.validation in a specific version range.
In that case it needs to be at least 1.1.0 but not any higher then 2.0.0.

A feature file is something used in the context of Karaf, it's not part of any 
OSGi spec. Such feature files usually declare how to
install an application consistent of more then one bundle in a go.
So in your case that would be the usl-fraudcheck part of your application.

From your saying I take that your sub-modules aren't cleanly separated so it 
seems like your usl-fraudcheck-impl maven module not only contains the 
implementation bundle for the api but also a feature file.
From a maven POV this is a bad thing, as you usually have one module for one 
Instead of that I would try to create a separate submodule for the karaf 
For example have one feature file which consists of multiple features, all of 
which are enough to be used standalone.
If one of the features depends on another feature you can declare such a 
dependency much easier.

Now coming back to your issue, you somehow also need to add a bundle to your 
feature which provided you with the requested
javax.validation package.
The official javax.validation[1] bundle already contains of the required OSGi 
manifest entries for Package-Import and Export so should be sufficient.

regards, Achim

[1] - 

2017-06-05 20:13 GMT+02:00 KARR, DAVID <dk0...@att.com<mailto:dk0...@att.com>>:
Clearly, I used the “hibernate-validator-osgi-karaf-features” name because I 
was under the mistaken impression that the file name represented the feature 

However, after changing that feature name reference, I’m now getting a 
different but related error:
org.osgi.service.resolver.ResolutionException: Unable to resolve root: missing 
requirement [root] osgi.identity; osgi.identity=usl-fraudcheck; 
type=karaf.feature; version="[2.5.0.SNAPSHOT,2.5.0.SNAPSHOT]"; 
 [caused by: Unable to resolve usl-fraudcheck/2.5.0.SNAPSHOT: missing 
 osgi.identity; osgi.identity=com.att.detsusl.usl-fraudcheck-api; 
type=osgi.bundle; version="[2.5.0.SNAPSHOT,2.5.0.SNAPSHOT]"; 
resolution:=mandatory [caused by: Unable to resolve 
com.att.detsusl.usl-fraudcheck-api/2.5.0.SNAPSHOT: missing requirement 
[com.att.detsusl.usl-fraudcheck-api/2.5.0.SNAPSHOT] osgi.wiring.package; 

I find it a little hard to interpret these “missing requirement” errors. Is 
this telling me that it’s unable to find the “javax.validation” bundle?

The module that my test is in has a features file that defines a 
“usl-fraudcheck” feature, which references the “usl-base” feature, which I’ve 
mentioned earlier references the “hibernate-validator-osgi-features” feature 
(hopefully the correct name now).  The first features file also has the 
following two bundle references:

Note that usl-fraudcheck-impl is the module that this features file is 
contained within (this seems odd, but I didn’t write this). Also note that the 
“usl-fraudcheck-api” module does NOT have a features file, which seems wrong to 

From: Achim Nierbeck 
Sent: Monday, June 05, 2017 10:52 AM

To: user@karaf.apache.org<mailto:user@karaf.apache.org>
Subject: Re: PaxExam test using hibernate validator can't find validator


I'm not sure I follow.
in the feature file I only see one feature which matches your criteria ...

see also this file:

So I don't understand where you got that name from: 

that is only the name of the feature file, which doesn't mean the main feature 
of that file needs to be the same :)

regards, Achim

2017-06-05 19:22 GMT+02:00 KARR, DAVID <dk0...@att.com<mailto:dk0...@att.com>>:
Ok, makes sense, but it still isn’t quite there yet.

In the features file in a module called “usl-base”, I added the following 
repository definition next to a couple of existing ones:

In the “usl-base” feature in that features file, I added the following 

Looking at the actual features file that is referenced here, I noticed that I 
had some redundant bundle references in this features file, so I removed them 
(“hibernate-validator”, “classmate”, et cetera).

I then installed this features file, and then reran my test, and the karaf 
startup failed with this:
org.osgi.service.resolver.ResolutionException: Unable to resolve root: missing 
requirement [root] osgi.identity; osgi.identity=usl-fraudcheck; 
type=karaf.feature; version="[2.5.0.SNAPSHOT,2.5.0.SNAPSHOT]"; 
 [caused by: Unable to resolve usl-fraudcheck/2.5.0.SNAPSHOT: missing 
 osgi.identity; osgi.identity=usl-base; type=karaf.feature [caused by: Unable 
to resolve usl-base/2.5.0.SNAPSHOT: missing requirement 
[usl-base/2.5.0.SNAPSHOT] osgi.identity; 
osgi.identity=hibernate-validator-osgi-karaf-features; type=karaf.feature]]

The “usl-fraudcheck” feature is the feature in the module with my test, which 
references the “usl-base” feature.  So, it seems that it couldn’t find the 
“hibernate-validator-osgi-karaf-features” feature.

I then verified that the following file exists:

However, I found it curious that it begins with the following content:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  ~ Hibernate Validator, declare and validate application constraints
  ~ License: Apache License, Version 2.0
  ~ See the license.txt file in the root directory or 

The “name” property of the top-level features element is 
“hibernate-validator-osgi-features”, not 
“hibernate-validator-osgi-karaf-features”.  Is that a problem?

From: Achim Nierbeck 
Sent: Monday, June 05, 2017 9:29 AM
To: user@karaf.apache.org<mailto:user@karaf.apache.org>
Subject: Re: PaxExam test using hibernate validator can't find validator

hmm ... to me this artifact:


doesn't sound like a bundle but more like a feature.

and according to this[1], it is a feature file.
So make sure you reference the "hibernate-validator" feature in your own 
feature file.

if you want to define a dependency to another feature file from your own.
make sure to have a repo definition:


regards, Achim

[1] - 
[2] - 

2017-06-05 17:37 GMT+02:00 KARR, DAVID <dk0...@att.com<mailto:dk0...@att.com>>:
I'm working on a codebase that builds a bunch of OSGi modules, and deploys to 

I'm attempting to implement javax.validation using Hibernate Validator.  I was 
able to get the correct Maven artifacts in order for my plain unit tests to 

However, when I ran my PaxExam integration test, it fails with:

"Unable to create a Configuration, because no Bean Validation provider could be 
found. Add a provider like Hibernate Validator (RI) to your classpath."

After some research, I determined that I needed to use the 
"hibernate-validator-osgi-karaf-features" artifact.  However, this just gives 
me a new error:

"Could not find artifact 
org.hibernate:hibernate-validator-osgi-karaf-features:jar:5.4.1.Final in 

Here is an excerpt of a "features.xml" file inside the definition of a feature 
that is dependent feature of the main feature in the module where my 
integration test is:

I'm guessing that part of my problem is that this is a POM artifact, not a JAR 
artifact, but I don't know what to do here.


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Apache Karaf 
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OPS4J Pax Web 
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Apache Member
Apache Karaf 
 Committer & PMC
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Apache Member
Apache Karaf 
 Committer & PMC
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 Committer & Project Lead
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Software Architect / Project Manager / Scrum Master

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