hmm ...
is it possible for you to show us your feature file?
Or maybe it's possible for you to start writing a simpler example that also
I doubt there is something wrong on Karaf or Pax Exam.

With a simple example it might be easier for us to show you where the
crucial step is.

regards, Achim

2017-06-05 21:42 GMT+02:00 KARR, DAVID <>:

> Ok, I guess I’ve resolved my package resolution issues.  I finally
> realized that "hibernate-validator-osgi-features" is not a feature id,
> but simply the “name” property in the “features” element in the
> features.xml file.  When I changed my feature reference to
> “hibernate-validator” (you may have been trying to tell me this), that got
> past package resolution.
> Unfortunately, I’m now back to the original problem that led me to try
> tweaking the feature references, which is this:
> Unable to create a Configuration, because no Bean Validation provider
> could be found. Add a provider like Hibernate Validator (RI) to your
> classpath.
> The feature references were definitely wrong before, but there must be
> something else wrong now after fixing the feature references.
> I tried changing the “LogLevel” in my PaxExam configuration from WARNING
> to DEBUG.  This gave me a lot more information, but I don’t know if it’s
> useful.  Is there some other karaf config that might be relevant here?
> *From:* Achim Nierbeck []
> *Sent:* Monday, June 05, 2017 11:48 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: PaxExam test using hibernate validator can't find validator
> Hi,
> You can extract the resolution chain from that message:
> org.osgi.service.resolver.ResolutionException: Unable to resolve root:
> missing requirement [root] osgi.identity; osgi.identity=usl-fraudcheck;
> type=karaf.feature; version="[2.5.0.SNAPSHOT,2.5.0.SNAPSHOT]";
> filter:="(&(osgi.identity=usl-fraudcheck)(type=karaf.
> feature)(version>=2.5.0.SNAPSHOT)(version<=2.5.0.SNAPSHOT))"
> means that this feature can't be resolve because -->
> [caused by: Unable to resolve usl-fraudcheck/2.5.0.SNAPSHOT:
> a missing requirement:
> missing requirement [usl-fraudcheck/2.5.0.SNAPSHOT] osgi.identity;
> osgi.identity=com.att.detsusl.usl-fraudcheck-api; type=osgi.bundle;
> version="[2.5.0.SNAPSHOT,2.5.0.SNAPSHOT]"; resolution:=mandatory
> the bundle com.att.detsusl.usl-fraudcheck-api in version 2.5.0-SNAPSHOT
> can't be resolved
> [caused by: Unable to resolve com.att.detsusl.usl-
> fraudcheck-api/2.5.0.SNAPSHOT:
> beacause of a missing requirement:
> missing requirement [com.att.detsusl.usl-fraudcheck-api/2.5.0.SNAPSHOT]
> a package -->
> osgi.wiring.package; filter:="(&(osgi.wiring.package=
> javax.validation)(version>=1.1.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))"]]
> in version greater 1.1.0 and less then 2.0.0
> regarding
> Note that usl-fraudcheck-impl is the module that this features file is
> contained within (this seems odd, but I didn’t write this). Also note that
> the “usl-fraudcheck-api” module does NOT have a features file, which seems
> wrong to me.
> I fear you misunderstand the difference between a feature file and
> bundles.
> First of all a bundle is a jar with OSGi Manifest entries declaring
> Package-Imports and Package Exports.
> Package-Imports are such "requirements"
> For example your
> com.att.detsusl.usl-fraudcheck-api
> declares an Import Package requirement, or better an osgi.wiring.package
> requirement for
> a package javax.validation in a specific version range.
> In that case it needs to be at least 1.1.0 but not any higher then 2.0.0.
> A feature file is something used in the context of Karaf, it's not part of
> any OSGi spec. Such feature files usually declare how to
> install an application consistent of more then one bundle in a go.
> So in your case that would be the usl-fraudcheck part of your application.
> From your saying I take that your sub-modules aren't cleanly separated so
> it seems like your usl-fraudcheck-impl maven module not only contains the
> implementation bundle for the api but also a feature file.
> From a maven POV this is a bad thing, as you usually have one module for
> one artifact.
> Instead of that I would try to create a separate submodule for the karaf
> feature.
> For example have one feature file which consists of multiple features, all
> of which are enough to be used standalone.
> If one of the features depends on another feature you can declare such a
> dependency much easier.
> Now coming back to your issue, you somehow also need to add a bundle to
> your feature which provided you with the requested
> javax.validation package.
> The official javax.validation[1] bundle already contains of the required
> OSGi manifest entries for Package-Import and Export so should be
> sufficient.
> regards, Achim
> [1] -
> validation%7Cvalidation-api%7C1.1.0.Final%7Cjar
> <>
> 2017-06-05 20:13 GMT+02:00 KARR, DAVID <>:
> Clearly, I used the “hibernate-validator-osgi-karaf-features” name
> because I was under the mistaken impression that the file name represented
> the feature name.
> However, after changing that feature name reference, I’m now getting a
> different but related error:
> org.osgi.service.resolver.ResolutionException: Unable to resolve root:
> missing requirement [root] osgi.identity; osgi.identity=usl-fraudcheck;
> type=karaf.feature; version="[2.5.0.SNAPSHOT,2.5.0.SNAPSHOT]";
> filter:="(&(osgi.identity=usl-fraudcheck)(type=karaf.
> feature)(version>=2.5.0.SNAPSHOT)(version<=2.5.0.SNAPSHOT))" [caused by:
> Unable to resolve usl-fraudcheck/2.5.0.SNAPSHOT: missing requirement
> [usl-fraudcheck/2.5.0.
> <>
> SNAPSHOT] osgi.identity; osgi.identity=com.att.detsusl.usl-fraudcheck-api;
> type=osgi.bundle; version="[2.5.0.SNAPSHOT,2.5.0.SNAPSHOT]";
> resolution:=mandatory [caused by: Unable to resolve 
> com.att.detsusl.usl-fraudcheck-api/2.5.0.SNAPSHOT:
> missing requirement [com.att.detsusl.usl-fraudcheck-api/2.5.0.SNAPSHOT]
> osgi.wiring.package; filter:="(&(osgi.wiring.package=javax.validation)(
> version>=1.1.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))"]]
> I find it a little hard to interpret these “missing requirement” errors.
> Is this telling me that it’s unable to find the “javax.validation” bundle?
> The module that my test is in has a features file that defines a
> “usl-fraudcheck” feature, which references the “usl-base” feature, which
> I’ve mentioned earlier references the “hibernate-validator-osgi-features”
> feature (hopefully the correct name now).  The first features file also has
> the following two bundle references:
> <bundle>mvn:com.att.detsusl/usl-fraudcheck-api/${pom.version}</bundle>
>                 <bundle>mvn:com.att.detsusl/usl-fraudcheck-impl/${pom.
> version}</bundle>
> Note that usl-fraudcheck-impl is the module that this features file is
> contained within (this seems odd, but I didn’t write this). Also note that
> the “usl-fraudcheck-api” module does NOT have a features file, which seems
> wrong to me.
> *From:* Achim Nierbeck []
> *Sent:* Monday, June 05, 2017 10:52 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: PaxExam test using hibernate validator can't find validator
> Hi,
> I'm not sure I follow.
> in the feature file I only see one feature which matches your criteria ...
> it's:
> hibernate-validator
> see also this file:
> karaf-features/5.4.1.Final/hibernate-validator-osgi-
> karaf-features-5.4.1.Final-features.xml
> <>
> So I don't understand where you got that name from: hibernate-validator-
> osgi-karaf-features
> that is only the name of the feature file, which doesn't mean the main
> feature of that file needs to be the same :)
> regards, Achim
> 2017-06-05 19:22 GMT+02:00 KARR, DAVID <>:
> Ok, makes sense, but it still isn’t quite there yet.
> In the features file in a module called “usl-base”, I added the following
> repository definition next to a couple of existing ones:
>     <repository>mvn:org.hibernate/hibernate-validator-osgi-
> karaf-features/5.4.1.Final/xml/features</repository>
> In the “usl-base” feature in that features file, I added the following
> reference:
>                                 <feature>hibernate-validator-
> osgi-karaf-features</feature>
> Looking at the actual features file that is referenced here, I noticed
> that I had some redundant bundle references in this features file, so I
> removed them (“hibernate-validator”, “classmate”, et cetera).
> I then installed this features file, and then reran my test, and the karaf
> startup failed with this:
> org.osgi.service.resolver.ResolutionException: Unable to resolve root:
> missing requirement [root] osgi.identity; osgi.identity=usl-fraudcheck;
> type=karaf.feature; version="[2.5.0.SNAPSHOT,2.5.0.SNAPSHOT]";
> filter:="(&(osgi.identity=usl-fraudcheck)(type=karaf.
> feature)(version>=2.5.0.SNAPSHOT)(version<=2.5.0.SNAPSHOT))" [caused by:
> Unable to resolve usl-fraudcheck/2.5.0.SNAPSHOT: missing requirement
> [usl-fraudcheck/2.5.0.
> <>
> SNAPSHOT] osgi.identity; osgi.identity=usl-base; type=karaf.feature
> [caused by: Unable to resolve usl-base/2.5.0.SNAPSHOT: missing requirement
> [usl-base/2.5.0.SNAPSHOT] osgi.identity; 
> osgi.identity=hibernate-validator-osgi-karaf-features;
> type=karaf.feature]]
> The “usl-fraudcheck” feature is the feature in the module with my test,
> which references the “usl-base” feature.  So, it seems that it couldn’t
> find the “hibernate-validator-osgi-karaf-features” feature.
> I then verified that the following file exists:
> ~/.m2/repository/org/hibernate/hibernate-validator-osgi-karaf-features/
> 5.4.1.
> <>
> Final/hibernate-validator-osgi-karaf-features-5.4.1.Final-features.xml
> However, I found it curious that it begins with the following content:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <!--
>   ~ Hibernate Validator, declare and validate application constraints
>   ~
>   ~ License: Apache License, Version 2.0
>   ~ See the license.txt file in the root directory or <
> <>
> >.
>   -->
> <features xmlns="
> <>
> "
>     name="hibernate-validator-osgi-features"
>     xmlns:xsi="
> <>
> "
>     xsi:schemaLocation="
> <>
> ">
> The “name” property of the top-level features element is
> “hibernate-validator-osgi-features”, not 
> “hibernate-validator-osgi-karaf-features”.
> Is that a problem?
> *From:* Achim Nierbeck []
> *Sent:* Monday, June 05, 2017 9:29 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: PaxExam test using hibernate validator can't find validator
> hmm ... to me this artifact:
> org.hibernate:hibernate-validator-osgi-karaf-features
> doesn't sound like a bundle but more like a feature.
> and according to this[1], it is a feature file.
> So make sure you reference the "hibernate-validator" feature in your own
> feature file.
> if you want to define a dependency to another feature file from your own.
> make sure to have a repo definition:
> <repository>mvn:org.hibernate/hibernate-validator-osgi-
> karaf-features/5.4.1.Final/xml/features</repository>
> regards, Achim
> [1] -
> hibernate%7Chibernate-validator-osgi-karaf-features%7C5.4.1.Final%7Cpom
> <>
> [2] -
> hibernate-validator-osgi-karaf-features/5.4.1.Final/
> hibernate-validator-osgi-karaf-features-5.4.1.Final-features.xml
> <>
> 2017-06-05 17:37 GMT+02:00 KARR, DAVID <>:
> I'm working on a codebase that builds a bunch of OSGi modules, and deploys
> to karaf.
> I'm attempting to implement javax.validation using Hibernate Validator.  I
> was able to get the correct Maven artifacts in order for my plain unit
> tests to work.
> However, when I ran my PaxExam integration test, it fails with:
> "Unable to create a Configuration, because no Bean Validation provider
> could be found. Add a provider like Hibernate Validator (RI) to your
> classpath."
> After some research, I determined that I needed to use the
> "hibernate-validator-osgi-karaf-features" artifact.  However, this just
> gives me a new error:
> "Could not find artifact org.hibernate:hibernate-
> validator-osgi-karaf-features:jar:5.4.1.Final in central (
> <>
> )"
> Here is an excerpt of a "features.xml" file inside the definition of a
> feature that is dependent feature of the main feature in the module where
> my integration test is:
> ----------------
>         <bundle start-level="100">wrap:mvn:javax.validation/validation-
> api/1.1.0.Final$Bundle-Name=javax.validation&amp;Bundle-
> SymbolicName=javax.validation&amp;Bundle-Version=1.1.0.Final</bundle>
>         <bundle>mvn:org.hibernate/hibernate-validator/5.4.1.
> <>
> Final</bundle>
>         <bundle>wrap:mvn:org.hibernate/hibernate-validator-
> osgi-karaf-features/5.4.1.
> <>
> Final$Bundle-Name=hibernate-validator-osgi-karaf-features&
> amp;Bundle-SymbolicName=hibernate-validator-osgi-
> karaf-features&amp;Bundle-Version=5.4.1.Final</bundle>
> ----------------
> I'm guessing that part of my problem is that this is a POM artifact, not a
> JAR artifact, but I don't know what to do here.
> --
> Apache Member
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