Hello Tim.

Thanks for the quick response and the clarification. In fact it's
exactly like you described. My intention is to postpone the
STARTING/ACTIVE state until a certain requirement is fulfilled. 

Using DS is currently not an option as the whole project uses blueprint
and the mix of DS and blueprint is not recommended as far as I know.

Thanks anyways. I worked around by having the activator waiting until a
given object is registered in jndi.


Hi Alexander,

An active time capability is ignored by the OSGi framework. This means
that it will not prevent your OSGi bundle moving from the INSTALLED
state to the RESOLVED state. 

What you’re seeing is that the resolver can also be run elsewhere, for
example to find or validate a set of bundles to be installed. This is
usually called a “provisioning operation”, and is what Karaf is trying
to do here. When the resolver is used by these tools they are free to
decide which requirements should be effective, and in this case Karaf is
requiring that your active time capability is matched by something
(after all it’s not optional!).

What I try to achieve is that a certain bundle activation is postponed
until a given requirement is met. Is is possible anyways?

What do you mean by bundle activation? If you mean that you want your
bundle to remain in the INSTALLED state then you need to use a
resolve-time effective requirement for this. If you mean that you want
your bundle not to move to the STARTING/ACTIVE state then
requirements/capabilites cannot help with this. Instead you should react
to the registration of OSGi services. A tool like Declarative Services
will make this easy, and allow your components to dynamically respond to
the presence (or lack of) an OSGi service.



On 16 Aug 2017, at 07:43, alexander.sah...@brodos.de wrote:

Hi there.

According to
(and the OSGi spec), a R-C header with effective:=active should be
ignored by OSGi framework. But when I create a R-C header like


to indicate a dependency to a DataSource, the resolver tells me:

org.osgi.service.resolver.ResolutionException: Unable to resolve root:
missing requirement [root] osgi.identity; osgi.identity=isaac-app;
type=karaf.feature; version="[2.1.2.SNAPSHOT,2.1.2.SNAPSHOT]";
[caused by: Unable to resolve isaac-app/2.1.2.SNAPSHOT: missing
requirement [isaac-app/2.1.2.SNAPSHOT] osgi.identity;
osgi.identity=isaac-service; type=karaf.feature [caused by: Unable to
resolve isaac-service/2.1.2.SNAPSHOT: missing requirement
[isaac-service/2.1.2.SNAPSHOT] osgi.identity;
osgi.identity=com.brodos.isaac.service; type=osgi.bundle;
version="[2.1.2.SNAPSHOT,2.1.2.SNAPSHOT]"; resolution:=mandatory [caused
by: Unable to resolve com.brodos.isaac.service/2.1.2.SNAPSHOT: missing
requirement [com.brodos.isaac.service/2.1.2.SNAPSHOT] osgi.service;
objectClass=javax.sql.DataSource; effective:=active;

Shouldn't it be ignored by OSGi framework?

What I try to achieve is that a certain bundle activation is postponed
until a given requirement is met. Is is possible anyways?

Best regards,

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