Hi Marius,

One thing to keep in mind is that FeatureServiceImpl was changed to be
single-threaded in Karaf 4.0.6. If you are invoking it programmatically,
you need to do feature installs in a separate thread (since the single
thread will be tied up installing your PluginManager and it will
deadlock). This sounds similar to the problem that you're having.


We ran into this in OpenNMS and used CompletableFuture as a workaround:


Seth Leger
The OpenNMS Group

On 11/6/17 2:51 AM, Marius Dienel wrote:
> Hey Guys,
> we're having a problem with Karaf Version > 4.0.4. We are currently
> using 4.0.9, but are thinking of upgrading to 4.0.10 soon. In our
> application we have a lot of features. One of them installs a bundle
> (PluginManager), which itself adds, installs and starts one or multiple
> features on startup (plugins for our application). Users are able to
> install the plugins via the GUI and the files (.jar) won't get deleted
> after building karaf/assembly.
> For each of those features a feature repository is created, if there is
> not already one from earlier startups. Everything works fine, if there
> already is a feature repository, but after a new build, when the feature
> repository does not exist anymore the installation of the features does
> not work, which leads to the bundle (PluginManager) being stuck in
> "GracePeriod"-status, for versions 4.0.5,4.0.6,4.0.7 or in
> "Starting"-status for versions 4.0.8,4.0.9,4.0.10. Everything works as
> expected with version 4.0.4.
> The workflow to install the features/plugins is following:
> FeatureService.addRepository(featureUri) -->
> FeatureService.getRepository(symbolicName) --> Repository.getFeatures()
> --> FeatureService.installFeatures(featureSet, options)
> After stepping over installFeatures in debug-mode the debugger is stuck
> and I cannot continue. The biggest problem is that there is no error or
> exception in karaf.log. Karaf is still starting correctly and everything
> except the plugins part is usable.
> Using 4.1.X is not an option right now, since there are dependency
> problems when upgrading.
> Thank you in advance for your help.
> Greetings Marius​
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> *Marius Dienel
> *Auszubildender
> doubleSlash Net-Business GmbH
> Otto-Lilienthal-Str. 2
> D-88046 Friedrichshafen
> Fon: +49 7541 / 70078-211
> Fax: +49 7541 / 70078-111
> marius.die...@doubleslash.de
> https://doubleSlash.de
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> doubleSlash Net-Business GmbH
> Geschäftsführung: Konrad Krafft, Andreas Strobel
> Sitz, Registergericht: Friedrichshafen, Amtsgericht Ulm HRB 631718
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