Hi fellow karaflings

I want to either prepackage or install my configuration files into the etc
folder of karaf  when my feature installs.

I've tried a couple of different approaches, which all fails :( They fail
in the way that the configuration gets bound to the bundles mvn coordinates
and are not placed into the etc folder

*Approach 1 Feature file*

The following to techniques are supposed to place my configuration files
into the etc folder

Using the configfile element,



<configfile finalname="/etc/dk.netdesign.dialer.cfg">



Using the config element



<config name="dk.netdesign.dialer">





*Approach 2 Karaf distribution with the karaf assembly plugin for
maven / prefered*

This approach will have the benefit of me being able to put in
configurations for some of the features / bundles that I do not

    │   └───text
    │       └───etc

In the etc folder I've placed my configuration file... But they never show
up in my karaf distribution.. I've done nothing special in the assembly
plugin, I wonder what I am doing wrong?

Best regards / Med venlig hilsen
Nino Martinez

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