I'm using the approach Christian is referring to and I can confirm that it's really easy and convenient.

I'm creating DS services to expose selected backend services with a REST API

        immediate = true
        , property = {
        , service = GestionInfrastructuresREST.class
public class GestionInfrastructuresRESTImpl implements GestionInfrastructuresREST {

    @Reference private LogService logger;
    @Reference private GestionInfrastructuresService service;     // my backend service


    public Response getAllRooms() {
        List<GestionInfrastructuresRoomModel> allRooms = service.getAllRooms();    // call to the backend service

        ... // process the result from the backend service

       return Response.ok(json, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).build();    // if result is OK

        ...  // do some error processing and return some error .... e.g.
        return Response.serverError().build();


Mat frëndleche Gréiss, Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Meilleures salutations, Kind regards,
Alex Weirig
Responsable Technique Ville de Luxembourg Service Enseignement Centre Technolink *Tel* +352 4796 - 6127 <tel:+35247966127> *Fax* +352 42 88 81 *Email* alex.wei...@technolink.lu <mailto:alex.wei...@technolink.lu> www.vdl.lu <http://www.vdl.lu> // www.technolink.lu <http://www.technolink.lu> Centre Technolink 2, rue Charles de Tornaco L-2623 LUXEMBOURG

On 28/05/2018 23:01, Christian Schneider wrote:
Aries JAX-RS should work. It is not yet released though. So currently there is only a snapshot. A release should follow soon.

Another option is to use CXF-DOSGi. You can find an example below. It is similar to Aries JAX-RS so a later switch should be easy.



2018-05-28 19:40 GMT+02:00 Guenther Schmidt <schmi...@gmail.com <mailto:schmi...@gmail.com>>:

    Hello All,

    I’ve been developing services using Declarative Services for
    dependency injection and it was a breeze so far. Now I want to
    expose some of the functionality via a REST API and I’m stuck. So
    far I’ve deployed my bundles through bundle:install -s man: …. all
    very easy. But what should be simple, exposing this through REST
    is becoming difficult. There are tips out there suggesting to use
    Blueprint, which I don’t want, others seem to suggest that I need
    to create a “feature” package.

    Then there’s also the requirements to “feature” install cxf.
    That’s OK btw, I only have to do that once. But is there really no
    simple way to create a simple REST service using merely DS?


Christian Schneider

Computer Scientist

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