> Honestly, it sounds like you’re about 30 minutes away from having the Aries 
> JAX-RS Whiteboard working...

OK, Understand your reference to servicemix annotation earlier. 
I had to pick up the org.apache.felix.http.servlet-api-1.1.2.jar to get the 
JavaServlet contract version 3.1.

I've now got karaf starting cleanly, and it's obviously doing *something*. I 
suspect if I created a simple example it would be working, but obviously I was 
naive and greedy and went straight for converting my entire app. I mean, what 
could go wrong?

I say it's doing something, in that I can request an api and I get an error 
such as:
org.glassfish.jersey.internal.RuntimeDelegateImpl not found by javax.ws.rs-api

but the important thing is that what's in the stack trace is my resource class. 
So it's registered the endpoint and routed it correctly, it's just I've got 
some references to jersey. I'll have to clean all that out and it'll probably 
be more successful.


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