Freeman(Yue) Fang

Red Hat, Inc. 

> On Dec 24, 2018, at 4:38 AM, Kerry <karaf-u...@avionicengineers.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to to get my project FlexFx to work on Java 11 with OpenJFX 11 
> inside Karaf 4.2.2 and have so far managed to get it to work by manually 
> deploying the OpenJFX jars to the `jdk9plus` folder of Karaf.
> I am now trying to update the integration tests which use Pax Exam and 
> because JavaFX is no longer part of the JDK-11 I need to include these in the 
> Karaf configuration. To begin with I tried this:
> bootClasspathLibraries(
>     new 
> BootClasspathLibraryOption(mavenBundle().artifactId(OPENJFX_BASE_ARTIFACT_ID).groupId(OPENJFX_GROUP_ID).version(OPENFX_VERSION)),
>     new 
> BootClasspathLibraryOption(mavenBundle().artifactId(OPENJFX_CONTROLS_ARTIFACT_ID).groupId(OPENJFX_GROUP_ID).version(OPENFX_VERSION)),
>     new 
> BootClasspathLibraryOption(mavenBundle().artifactId(OPENJFX_FXML_ARTIFACT_ID).groupId(OPENJFX_GROUP_ID).version(OPENFX_VERSION)))
> but this only put the artifacts into the lib folder not `lib/jdk9plus`

Then I think you can add 

new VMOption("-classpath"),
                new VMOption(“lib/whatever_yourlib_is")

> Also (and this is where I am still new and confused with the Java9 + module 
> system) the above artifacts are not the actual ones I used when I manually 
> installed OpenJFX to Karaf. I manually installed the SDK from gluon 
> (https://gluonhq.com/products/javafx/) and this zip file includes native 
> libraries as well as JARs. These are what I think I should be installing 
> automatically but I'm uncertain how I can go about this with PaxExam.
> Does anyone have any suggestions?
> Thanks, Kerry.

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