Hi Lukasz,

thanks fort he response.
In fact, I know both of those but Atlassians backend is not open source and 
Eclipses Backend is based on p2, as far as I understand which is some different 
kind of OBR or?
But generally, the Eclipse store covers pretty much our use case (it could / 
should even be simpler, of course).

But to bring that to karaf I could use Cave to host the bundles and then "only" 
send a Command to the karaf ssh shell, or, I mean, theoretically speaking?


Am 02.10.19, 13:40 schrieb "Łukasz Dywicki" <l...@code-house.org>:

    I am aware of one marketplace which is completely based on open source
    stack - and it is used in .. no surprise .. openHAB. :-)
    There is Eclipse Marketplace which offers some kid of listing of
    resources which can be downloaded and installed in end-user environment.
    The marketplace is a webservice, openhab have special client which
    downloads bundles or KARs and tells karaf to install them.
    Having said there is still a lot of things which are left unresolved -
    such as payments and/or licensing.
    Another marketplace which you might not be fully aware of is Atlassian -
    their plugins are running with OSGi under the hood.
    On 29.09.2019 16:14, Jean-Baptiste Onofré wrote:
    > Hi,
    > For OpenSource/Karaf perspective, that's a bit the idea of features in
    > combination with Cave (as server provider). I think it's already good to
    > go when used the correct way.
    > Regarding more "commercial/pro" AppStore like, it's not in Karaf scope
    > directly IMHO. I know some providers about kind of "Karaf Apps"
    > (basically a features plus some metadata).
    > Regards
    > JB
    > On 27/09/2019 15:35, Julian Feinauer wrote:
    >> Hi all,
    >> after several discussions in the #karaf Channel in Slack I wanted to
    >> bring this issue also to the list.
    >> We are currently building a Framework which is like an “App-Store” where
    >> we provide a “Runtime” and a set of SPIs to code “Apps” against. This Is
    >> all web-based so the Apps are in fact a set of Websites (boring,
    >> oldshool, give us apps!).
    >> But we also like to introduce later on an “App Store” and the ability to
    >> (dynamically) load / start new Apps or stop / uninstall them.
    >> So, theoretically speaking, Karaf is a good fit as it already brings a
    >> lot of necessary functionality.
    >> My question is a bit similar to Jaaps in [1]: Are there any (known) and
    >> ideally Open Source solutions of what we are trying to solve?
    >> We would also need things like Signed bundles (see [2]), a separate
    >> process for Managing (or remote controlling) Karaf and so on.
    >> And it would be nice to look at another project and see what one can use
    >> from there and what not.
    >> Or do you have any general questions, ideas, hints for us on if this
    >> would work or if we should better forget about that?
    >> Thanks already!
    >> Julian
    >> [1]
    >> [2] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KARAF-6436

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