CC forum

> On May 14, 2020, at 12:42 PM, Alex Soto <> wrote:
> Looks good to me:  '/camel/api/say/hello' should be correct.
>  The only difference I see is that in my case I am not using the 
> ‘httpRegistry';  try removing that part.
> Best regards,
> Alex soto
>> On May 14, 2020, at 12:21 PM, Gerald Kallas < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> Thanks Alex.
>> I'm still struggling upfront. I was copying your example and have combined 
>> the parts in one Blueprint DSL.
>> See my complete Blueprint DSL file below. I'm always getting a HTTP 404 (not 
>> found).
>> I'm assuming that the URL
>> https://localhost:8443/camel/api/say/hello 
>> <https://localhost:8443/camel/api/say/hello>
>> should be the one to call. Do I still miss something? Many thanks in advance.
>> <blueprint xmlns="";
>>           xmlns:xsi="";
>>           xsi:schemaLocation="
>> ";>
>>      <reference id="httpService" 
>> interface="org.osgi.service.http.HttpService" />
>>      <bean id="camelServlet" 
>> class="org.apache.camel.component.servlet.CamelHttpTransportServlet"/>
>>      <bean 
>> class="org.apache.camel.component.servlet.osgi.OsgiServletRegisterer"
>>            init-method="register"
>>            destroy-method="unregister">
>>              <property name="servletName" value="MyServlet" />
>>              <property name="alias" value="/camel/api" />
>>              <property name="httpService" ref="httpService" />
>>              <property name="servlet" ref="camelServlet" />
>>      </bean>
>>      <bean id="httpRegistry" 
>> class="org.apache.camel.component.servlet.DefaultHttpRegistry" />
>>      <bean id="servlet" 
>> class="org.apache.camel.component.servlet.ServletComponent">
>>              <property name="httpRegistry" ref="httpRegistry" />
>>      </bean>
>>      <camelContext xmlns="";>
>>              <restConfiguration
>>                      component="servlet"
>>                      bindingMode="json"
>>                      enableCORS="false"
>>                      skipBindingOnErrorCode="false"
>>                      clientRequestValidation="true">
>>                      <componentProperty key="matchOnUriPrefix" value="true" 
>> />
>>                      <endpointProperty key="servletName" value="MyServlet" />
>>                      <endpointProperty key="disableStreamCache" value="true" 
>> />
>>                      <dataFormatProperty key="contentTypeHeader" 
>> value="false" />
>>                      <dataFormatProperty key="baseUri" value ="/came/api" />
>>              </restConfiguration >
>>              <rest path="/say">
>>                      <get uri="/hello">
>>                              <to uri="direct:hello"/>
>>                      </get>
>>              </rest>
>>              <route>
>>                      <from uri="direct:hello"/>
>>                      <transform>
>>                              <constant>Hello World</constant>
>>                      </transform>
>>              </route>
>>      </camelContext>
>> </blueprint>
>> Best
>> - Gerald
>>> Alex Soto <> hat am 14. Mai 2020 14:55 geschrieben:
>>> Hi Gerald,
>>> I would put the Servlet in the same bundle; I don’t see the need to 
>>> separate it for reuse.
>>> Looks like you are missing security constraint in the 
>>> 'etc/org.ops4j.pax.web.context-admin.cfg' file
>>> security.constraint.1.url = /camel/services/*
>>> security.constraint.1.method = *
>>> security.constraint.1.roles = admin
>>> Best regards,
>>> Alex soto
>>>> On May 13, 2020, at 7:02 PM, Gerald Kallas <> wrote:
>>>> <property name="alias" value="/camel/services" />

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