
I would like to start playing with Karaf5, waiting for the official RC... With 
the final goal of migrating a few OSGi 3-tier projects (Hibernate, Declarative 
Services, Apache CXF REST) to Karaf-5 my idea is:
- Put together a very trivial JPA+CXF project using "Karaf-JPA-example" and 
"Karaf-rest-example" in Karaf's examples module
- Create a feature for the complete "demo application"
- Run this application in Karaf-5, deploying the application feature.

The lesson learned will be used in the actual migration process. Before I start 
working head-down on this, I would like your advice: is this approach going to 
work with Karaf 5? Or is there any evident show-stopper I should be aware?

Many thanks for your help.

Best regards,

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