Thanks for the info, Jason.  I spent some more time looking at this today,
and confirmed that the patch is working as intended.  I've updated the
commit message with more info about the failure that was occurring, in case
you were interested.  I expect this fix will land in time for 1.5.

- Dan

On Sat, May 20, 2017 at 8:47 PM, Jason Heo <> wrote:

> Hi.
> I'm not sure how can I explain.
> 1.
> re-replication is reduced from 20 hours to 2 hours 40 minutes.
> Here are some charts.
> Before applying the patch:
>     - Total Tablet Size:
>     - Network & Disk Usage: (started at 10
> am, ended at tommorow 6 am)
> After applying the patch:
>     - Total Tablet Size:
>     - Network & Disk Usage:
> 2.
> BTW, before applying, I got many "already in progress" messages in the
> kudu master log file.
>     delete failed for tablet 'tablet_id' with error code
> TABLET_NOT_RUNNING: Illegal state: State transition of tablet 'tablet_id'
> already in progress: copying tablet
> But, after applied, there were no such messages.
> 3.
> before applying, I used Kudu 1.3.0 and version is upgraded to 1.4 by using
> the patch.
> Thanks.
> 2017-05-21 0:02 GMT+09:00 Dan Burkert <>:
>> Hey Jason,
>> What effect did you see with that patch applied?  I've had mixed results
>> with it in my failover tests - it hasn't resolved some of the issues that I
>> expected it would, so I'm still looking in to it.  Any feedback you have on
>> it would be appreciated.
>> - Dan
>> On Fri, May 19, 2017 at 10:07 PM, Jason Heo <>
>> wrote:
>>> Thanks, @dan @Todd
>>> This issue has been resolved via
>>> Regards,
>>> Jason
>>> 2017-05-09 4:55 GMT+09:00 Todd Lipcon <>:
>>>> Hey Jason
>>>> Sorry for the delayed response here. It looks from your ksck like
>>>> copying is ongoing but hasn't yet finished.
>>>> FWIW Will B is working on adding more informative output to ksck to
>>>> help diagnose cases like this:
>>>> -Todd
>>>> On Thu, Apr 13, 2017 at 11:35 PM, Jason Heo <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> @Dan
>>>>> I monitored with `kudu ksck` while re-replication is occurring, but
>>>>> I'm not sure if this output means my cluster has a problem. (It seems just
>>>>> indicating one tserver stopped)
>>>>> Would you please check it?
>>>>> Thank,
>>>>> Jason
>>>>> ```
>>>>> ...
>>>>> ...
>>>>> Tablet 0e29XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX1e1e3168a4d81 of table 'impala::tbl1' is
>>>>> under-replicated: 1 replica(s) not RUNNING
>>>>>   a7ca07f9bXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXbbb21cfb ( RUNNING
>>>>>   a97644XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXdb074d4380f ( RUNNING
>>>>> [LEADER]
>>>>>   401b6XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX5feda1de212b ( missing
>>>>> Tablet 550XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX08f5fc94126927 of table 'impala::tbl1' is
>>>>> under-replicated: 1 replica(s) not RUNNING
>>>>>   aec55b4XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXdb469427cf ( RUNNING
>>>>> [LEADER]
>>>>>   a7ca07f9b3d94XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX1cfb ( RUNNING
>>>>>   31461XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX3dbe060807a6 ( bad state
>>>>>     State:       NOT_STARTED
>>>>>     Data state:  TABLET_DATA_READY
>>>>>     Last status: Tablet initializing...
>>>>> Tablet 4a1490fcXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX7a2c637e3 of table 'impala::tbl1' is
>>>>> under-replicated: 1 replica(s) not RUNNING
>>>>>   a7ca07f9b3d94414XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXb ( RUNNING
>>>>>   40XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXd5b5feda1de212b ( RUNNING
>>>>> [LEADER]
>>>>>   aec55b4e2acXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX9427cf ( bad state
>>>>>     State:       NOT_STARTED
>>>>>     Data state:  TABLET_DATA_COPYING
>>>>>     Last status: TabletCopy: Downloading block 0000000005162382
>>>>> (277/581)
>>>>> ...
>>>>> ...
>>>>> ==================
>>>>> Errors:
>>>>> ==================
>>>>> table consistency check error: Corruption: 52 table(s) are bad
>>>>> FAILED
>>>>> Runtime error: ksck discovered errors
>>>>> ```
>>>>> 2017-04-13 3:47 GMT+09:00 Dan Burkert <>:
>>>>>> Hi Jason, answers inline:
>>>>>> On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 5:53 AM, Jason Heo <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Q1. Can I disable redistributing tablets on failure of a tserver?
>>>>>>> The reason why I need this is described in Background.
>>>>>> We don't have any kind of built-in maintenance mode that would
>>>>>> prevent this, but it can be achieved by setting a flag on each of the
>>>>>> tablet servers.  The goal is not to disable re-replicating tablets, but
>>>>>> instead to avoid kicking the failed replica out of the tablet groups to
>>>>>> begin with.  There is a config flag to control exactly that:
>>>>>> 'evict_failed_followers'.  This isn't considered a stable or supported
>>>>>> flag, but it should have the effect you are looking for, if you set it to
>>>>>> false on each of the tablet servers, by running:
>>>>>>     kudu tserver set-flag <tserver-addr> evict_failed_followers false
>>>>>> --force
>>>>>> for each tablet server.  When you are done, set it back to the
>>>>>> default 'true' value.  This isn't something we routinely test (especially
>>>>>> setting it without restarting the server), so please test before trying
>>>>>> this on a production cluster.
>>>>>> Q2. redistribution goes on even if the failed tserver reconnected to
>>>>>>> cluster. In my test cluster, it took 2 hours to distribute when a 
>>>>>>> tserver
>>>>>>> which has 3TB data was killed.
>>>>>> This seems slow.  What's the speed of your network?  How many nodes?
>>>>>> How many tablet replicas were on the failed tserver, and were the replica
>>>>>> sizes evenly balanced?  Next time this happens, you might try monitoring
>>>>>> with 'kudu ksck' to ensure there aren't additional problems in the 
>>>>>> cluster (admin guide
>>>>>> on the ksck tool
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> ).
>>>>>>> Q3. `--follower_unavailable_considered_failed_sec` can be changed
>>>>>>> without restarting cluster?
>>>>>> The flag can be changed, but it comes with the same caveats as above:
>>>>>>     'kudu tserver set-flag <tserver-addr>
>>>>>> follower_unavailable_considered_failed_sec 900 --force'
>>>>>> - Dan
>>>> --
>>>> Todd Lipcon
>>>> Software Engineer, Cloudera

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