Thanks very much Grant! I will start participating in #kudu-backup

On Tue, Jul 17, 2018 at 12:15 PM Grant Henke <> wrote:

> Thank you for the quick feedback Tim and Maurice.
> Tim, I have some rough work on the Java/Maven/Gradle related parts to the
> MiniCluster that I have been experimenting with locally. It would be great
> to coordinate and collaborate with you on those contributions.
> Mauricio, we have been doing a lot of work on Kudu's backup features as a
> top priority. The formal design communication exists on the dev mailing
> list here, but also a lot of conversation is happening in the Slack
> #kudu-backup channel. Your feedback on the design docs would be great! Duly
> noted on the conference feedback.
> On Tue, Jul 17, 2018 at 2:04 PM Mauricio Aristizabal <>
> wrote:
>> My new-user thoughts: MiniCluster is nice but right now we get by
>> launching a docker instance in tests, it's pretty fast.  What's really
>> hurting adoption at our org is lack of a proper backup/snapshot/replication
>> feature.  As for marketing, i think conferences are crucial, so I was
>> disappointed that Strata SJ 2018 didn't have a single session on Kudu,
>> there were no committers in attendance that I could tell, and it wasn't
>> being highlighted at all in the Cloudera booth.  Between Strata and
>> ScalaDays I must have enthusiastically mentioned the product to 15 people
>> and none had heard of it. -m
>> On Tue, Jul 17, 2018 at 11:40 AM Mike Percy <> wrote:
>>> Hi Apache Kudu community,
>>> Apologies for cross-posting, we just wanted to reach a broad audience
>>> for this topic.
>>> Grant and I have been brainstorming about what we can do to grow the
>>> community of Kudu developers and users. We think Kudu has a lot going for
>>> it, but not everybody knows what it is and what it’s capable of. Focusing
>>> and combining our collective efforts to increase awareness (marketing) and
>>> to reduce barriers to contribution and adoption could be a good way to
>>> achieve organic growth.
>>> We’d like to hear your ideas about what barriers and pain points exist
>>> and any ideas you may have to fix some of those things -- especially ideas
>>> requiring minimal effort and maximum impact.
>>> To kick this off, here are some ideas Grant and I have come up with so
>>> far, in sort of a rough priority order:
>>> Ideas for general improvements
>>>    1. Java MiniCluster support out of the box (KUDU-2411)
>>>    1. This will enable integration with other projects in a way that
>>>       allows them to test against a running Kudu cluster and ensure quality
>>>       without having to build it themselves.
>>>       2. Create a dedicated Maven-consumable java module for a Kudu
>>>       MiniCluster
>>>       3. Pre-built binary artifacts (for testing use only) downloadable
>>>       with MiniCluster (Linux / MacOS)
>>>       4. Ship all dependencies (even security deps, which will not be
>>>       fixed if CVEs found)
>>>       5. Make the binaries Linux distro-independent by building on an
>>>       old distro (EL6)
>>>    2. Upgrade Gerrit to fix the “New UI” GitHub Login Bug (KUDU-2402)
>>>       1. Remove barrier to submitting a patch
>>>       2. Latest version of Gerrit has a fix for the bad GitHub login
>>>       redirect
>>>    3. Upstream pre-built packages for production use (Start rhel7,
>>>    maybe ubuntu)
>>>    1. This is potentially a pretty large effort, depending in the
>>>       number of platforms we want to support
>>>       2. Tarballs -- per-OS / per-distro
>>>       3. Yum install, apt get: per-OS / per-distro
>>>       4. Homebrew?
>>>    4. CLI based tools with zero dependencies for quick experiments/demos
>>>    1. Create, describe, alter tables
>>>       2. Cat data out, pipe data in.
>>>       3. Or simple Python examples to do similar
>>>    5. Create developer oriented docs and faqs (wiki style?)
>>>    6. CONTRIBUTING.adoc in repo
>>>    1. Simplified
>>>       2. Quick “assume nothing tutorial”
>>>       3. Video Guide?
>>> Ongoing marketing and engagement
>>>    1. Quarterly email to the dev / users list
>>>    1. Recognize new contributors
>>>       2. Call out beginner jiras
>>>       3. Summarize ongoing projects
>>>    2. Consistently use the beginner / newbie tag in JIRA
>>>    1. Doc how to find beginner jiras in the contributing docs
>>>    3. Regular blog posts
>>>    1. Developer and community contributors
>>>       2. Invite people from other projects that integrate w/ Kudu to
>>>       post on our Blog
>>>       3. Document how to contribute a blog post
>>>       4. Topics: Compile and maintain a list of blog post ideas in case
>>>       people want inspiration -- Grant has been gathering ideas for this
>>>    4. Archive Slack to a mailing list to be indexed by search engines
>>>    ( has shut down)
>>> Please offer your suggestions for where we can get a good bang for our
>>> collective buck, and if there is anything you would like to work on by all
>>> means please either speak up or feel free to reach out directly.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Grant and Mike
>> --
>> Mauricio Aristizabal
>> Architect - Data Pipeline
>> | 323 309 4260
>>    <>
>> <>
> --
> Grant Henke
> Software Engineer | Cloudera
> | |

Mauricio Aristizabal
Architect - Data Pipeline | 323 309 4260 <javascript:void(0);>

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