On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 4:24 AM, Kai Devan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello everyone, I've been following neo4j for a little bit and really
> believe in the concept. The 8-page introduction is a little abstract for me
> to fully understand but as I read about the node, relationship, property
> structure it makes a lot of sense.


> I've setup maven to build the database so
> I can play with it and try to understand more. I come from a web development
> background and work mainly with design/css/html/php and I'm not familiar
> with Java. Will it be possible to use neo as a database for a web
> development project and still use php for the backend logic?

It's definitely possible, but will require some experience with
exposing Java services to PHP frontends. I would wrap Neo4j in a thin
domain-oriented REST layer -- i.e. a REST endpoint that exposes domain
abstractions (Customer, Cart, things like that) rather than Neo4j
primitives directly (Node, Relationship, etc). This means that your
domain layer will be implemented in Java (see patterns for this on the
wiki) whereas your presentation layer and action control flow will be
implemented in PHP.

Definitely doable, but maybe not trivial if you don't have any
experience with service oriented architectures.

> Would the
> neo4j.py project allow the database to be used with one of the python web
> frameworks?

This question is more for Tobias, but I assume the answer would be yes. Tobias?

> There's a personal project I'm working on for the web and I'd
> really like to be able to use neo4j as the database. I'll learn as much as I
> have to so I can get this working.

Great -- let us know how it progresses and if you have any questions!

> There was also a message a little bit ago talking about having someone more
> unfamiliar with neo4j read new documentation to see if it's clear and
> understandable. I might be a good subject for that since all of this is new
> to me, I'll offer comments on everything I read :)

Fantastic! Would be really appreciated. Please start at


and take it from there.


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