
> This sounds like a very nice project. I've wanted to do such a project
> myself but I've been kept back by lack of time.
> I am a committer on the Jython project, and focus mainly on the  
> compiler.
> About a year and a half ago I started a project for giving Neo4j a  
> more
> Pythonic feel when used from Jython (and CPython), it is in the Neo4j
> repository as
> could be a place
> for you to start on your Neo4j/Django project.

I will definitely take a look.  I played around with one  
implementation of Neo4J but I didn't have time to flesh it out.

> At the moment I an busy working on a project I call RemoteNeo, it's an
> implementation of the Neo4j API that allows you to connect multiple  
> clients
> to one server. But I hope to put some effort into soon as  
> well
> (blog post with road map coming Monday or Tuesday). One thing I  
> would like
> to incorporate is support libraries for using Neo4j with Django, so  
> please
> submit feedback on places where the current feels awkward and
> extensions needed to use Neo4j in Django. Also let me know if I can  
> be of
> assistance in any way.

I have to finish up another Django project over the next week or two  
but I will give you some feedback when I get a chance to try it out.

> A quick feature list of features that enable (from the top  
> of my
> head):
> * Access properties as: node_or_relationship["property key"]
>   * Nodes and relationships supports most methods that dict supports.
> * Access relationships as: node.RELATIONSHIP_TYPE
>   * Create: node1.Related_To(node2)
>   * Iterate: for rel in node1.Related_To: ...
> * Use with-statement for transactions:
>     with neo.transaction: ...
>   * Exception in the with-suite will cause rollback
> Traversals are not that pretty yet, but they are supported, I would  
> love
> input on how you'd like to define traversals in Python code.

Thanks for the reply,

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