Hi again Lyudmila.

I may have found the source of the problem. I see that when importing
from your rdf/xml file the predicates in the statements aren't stored
in the sail as the full URIs, but as short versions, f.ex

Then I look at the rdfunload.xml file and see some weird things, f.ex:

    <value xmlns="orex:">outside</value>

Now that's a syntax I've never seen before and all values in the file
are like that. I tried to change the tags so that they look something


And it all worked much better. Isn't that how it's supposed to look
like? At least that's how I've learned to write rdf/xml and it makes
more sense to me. I think this will make it work for you.

Another thing, performance: If you see that the performance isn't good
enough using an external sparql analyzer like this you could try using
our own sparql engine which talks to neo directly with a little help
from the neo-rdf layer. I'll see if I can write a piece of code which
would get you up and running using that too.


2009/2/13 Lyudmila L. Balakireva <lu...@lanl.gov>:
> hi, Mattias
> I am attaching rdf sample I was testing .
> I was loading rdf with specific context.
> RepositoryConnection rc = repo.getConnection();
>                        ValueFactory f = repo.getValueFactory();
>                        for ( File file : files )
>                        {
>                           // URI context =
> f.createURI("http://localhost:8080/neofl/ore/photo/2926368578";);
>                            URI context =
> f.createURI("http://localhost:8080/neofl/ore/photo/1437207680/2009-01-13T19:21:23";);
>                           rc.add( file, "", RDFFormat.RDFXML,context);
>                          //  rc.add( file, "", RDFFormat.RDFXML);
>                        }
> Thank you,
> Lyudmila Balalkireva
> lu...@lanl.gov

Mattias Persson, [matt...@neotechnology.com]
Neo Technology, www.neotechnology.com
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