I converted the xml file into decent format (see attached file) and
ran the example. Once again I get answers when running that query.

PREFIX ore:<http://www.openarchives.org/ore/terms/>
PREFIX rdf:<http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>
PREFIX orex:<http://library.lanl.gov/orex/terms/>
PREFIX dc:<http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/>
SELECT ?photo
   ?s ?p  "outside"  .
   ?photo  ?x  ?s  .
   ?photo  ?y  "photo" .
   ?photo ore:aggregates  ?i .

I get 6 results back from that query.

There surely must something we do differently, but I don't know what.


2009/2/18 Mattias Persson <matt...@neotechnology.com>:
> I'm guessing that's a problem in the exporter and not in the neo rdf
> library... but I'm not sure.
> Anyway, would it be possible for you to send me your original data so
> that I can test with it, making my tests exactely like yours?
> Best,
> Mattias
> 2009/2/17 Lyudmila L. Balakireva <lu...@lanl.gov>:
>> Hi,
>> actually I had rdf in the form as you mentioned. But when you serialize
>> rdf from neo it's outputs it in this form. (rc.export(
>> rdfxmlWriter,context);
>> Luda
>>> Hi again Lyudmila.
>>> I may have found the source of the problem. I see that when importing
>>> from your rdf/xml file the predicates in the statements aren't stored
>>> in the sail as the full URIs, but as short versions, f.ex
>>> "orex:value".
>>> Then I look at the rdfunload.xml file and see some weird things, f.ex:
>>>     <value xmlns="orex:">outside</value>
>>> Now that's a syntax I've never seen before and all values in the file
>>> are like that. I tried to change the tags so that they look something
>>> like:
>>>     <orex:value>outside</orex:value>
>>> And it all worked much better. Isn't that how it's supposed to look
>>> like? At least that's how I've learned to write rdf/xml and it makes
>>> more sense to me. I think this will make it work for you.
>>> Another thing, performance: If you see that the performance isn't good
>>> enough using an external sparql analyzer like this you could try using
>>> our own sparql engine which talks to neo directly with a little help
>>> from the neo-rdf layer. I'll see if I can write a piece of code which
>>> would get you up and running using that too.
>>> Best,
>>> Mattias
>>> 2009/2/13 Lyudmila L. Balakireva <lu...@lanl.gov>:
>>>> hi, Mattias
>>>> I am attaching rdf sample I was testing .
>>>> I was loading rdf with specific context.
>>>> RepositoryConnection rc = repo.getConnection();
>>>>                        ValueFactory f = repo.getValueFactory();
>>>>                        for ( File file : files )
>>>>                        {
>>>>                           // URI context =
>>>> f.createURI("http://localhost:8080/neofl/ore/photo/2926368578";);
>>>>                            URI context =
>>>> f.createURI("http://localhost:8080/neofl/ore/photo/1437207680/2009-01-13T19:21:23";);
>>>>                           rc.add( file, "", RDFFormat.RDFXML,context);
>>>>                          //  rc.add( file, "", RDFFormat.RDFXML);
>>>>                        }
>>>> Thank you,
>>>> Lyudmila Balalkireva
>>>> lu...@lanl.gov
>>> --
>>> Mattias Persson, [matt...@neotechnology.com]
>>> Neo Technology, www.neotechnology.com
> --
> Mattias Persson, [matt...@neotechnology.com]
> Neo Technology, www.neotechnology.com

Mattias Persson, [matt...@neotechnology.com]
Neo Technology, www.neotechnology.com
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