Hi again,

> > I think it's better (shortens and simplifies the code) to only keep
> > the methods with a RelationshipType parameter and define an implicit
> > conversion from a String to RelationshipType :
> >
> > implicit def stringToRelType(s : String) =
> > DynamicRelationshipType.withName(s)
> Sounds reasonable. Feel free to fork the repo, make the change and
> send me a pull request via GitHub.

I just did that ;) (it just took me a couple of months to do it (ashamed))


As a reminder, what I changed/added :
- defined an implicit conversion from a String to RelationshipType and
deleted the methods that take a String from the relation builders
- all relation builders now only use --> and <--, no more |-- and --|, which
simplifies thngs greatly imho :

left --> "foo" --> middle <-- "bar" <-- righ

- Added a node wrapper that simplifies properties reading/writing :

start("foo") = "bar"

- Updated the specs to reflect the changes mentioned above

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