Hello, all.


I was wondering if there was any guidance/best practices for leveraging Neo
in a scenario where multiple servlets in a web application will have the
need to read/insert/update/delete nodes and relationships simultaneously.


In particular:


1)      Must/should the NeoService be a singleton shared amongst all

2)      When best to create transactions - on each invocation?

3)      How do the threading implications of the servlet's service() method
affect transactions and unintentional transaction nesting?

4)      Is there any advantage to using additional EmbeddedReadOnlyNeo
instances in cases where access is truly read only?


In some cases, there may be a desire to have multiple web applications in
the same web app server (Tomcat, JBoss, etc.) accessing a common Neo graph
structure.  In this case, what are the options?  We were thinking that the
only option is RemoteNeo between the web apps, or some other RPC layer
invoking methods in classes that reside in the "master" web app that
actually has a NeoService instance.





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