Thanks, Johan.

My concern relates to the "transaction interleaving" that might
occur...which could definitely result in unexpected consequences, could it

If I create a transaction on a specific thread, can I safely assume that it
is independent from a transaction that is started on another thread?  In
general, each servlet request will be handled on a separate thread, and we
will have a background pool of worker threads for other tasks, all of which
will occasionally need to access Neo.

I just want to make sure I fully understand the transactioning model and its


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Johan Svensson
Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 4:49 AM
To: Neo user discussions
Subject: Re: [Neo] Best practices for using Neo within a web application


On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 2:44 PM, Rick Bullotta
<> wrote:
> Hello, all.
> I was wondering if there was any guidance/best practices for leveraging
> in a scenario where multiple servlets in a web application will have the
> need to read/insert/update/delete nodes and relationships simultaneously.

We are working at getting such information up on the wiki (there are
some info but it is spread out over different pages and needs to be

> In particular:
> 1)      Must/should the NeoService be a singleton shared amongst all
> servlets?

Yes or better is not to have singletons and instead use inversion of
control and inject the NeoService where it is needed.

> 2)      When best to create transactions - on each invocation?

Wrap each request in a transaction, this work well in most scenarios.

> 3)      How do the threading implications of the servlet's service()
> affect transactions and unintentional transaction nesting?

Should be no problem since trying to start a transaction when there is
already one running will do nothing and use the current running
transaction. See (flat
nested transactions).

> 4)      Is there any advantage to using additional EmbeddedReadOnlyNeo
> instances in cases where access is truly read only?

No. If on the same JVM pass around the normal EmbeddedNeo instance to
read only requests also.

> In some cases, there may be a desire to have multiple web applications in
> the same web app server (Tomcat, JBoss, etc.) accessing a common Neo graph
> structure.  In this case, what are the options?  We were thinking that the
> only option is RemoteNeo between the web apps, or some other RPC layer
> invoking methods in classes that reside in the "master" web app that
> actually has a NeoService instance.

Was a while since I worked with Tomcat/JBoss but I take it the problem
you have is that each web app has its own class loader? If you somehow
could put the Neo4j classes and dependencies on a common class loader
used by all web apps that problem should go away (but I don't really
know this kind of stuff, anyone else?).

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