Hi folks,
as I know that many on this list are interested in recommendation
algos, look at http://wiki.github.com/tinkerpop/gremlin/linkeddata-sail
for an example of a music recommendation (could really be anything)
based on Grammar Based Random Walkers weighted with Spreading
Activation, done by Marko Rodriguez. This runs directly on LinkedData
(no local data to start with) and takes about 30s. After that, the
URIs are cached in a local SAIL instance (e.g. Neo4j) and speed up
things to sub-second speed of course.

It's a very good description on what is going, IMHO a great read for
any graph/recommendation algo geek!


/peter neubauer

COO and Sales, Neo Technology

GTalk:      neubauer.peter
Skype       peter.neubauer
Phone       +46 704 106975
LinkedIn   http://www.linkedin.com/in/neubauer
Twitter      http://twitter.com/peterneubauer

http://www.neo4j.org                - Relationships count.
http://gremlin.tinkerpop.com    - PageRank in 2 lines of code.
http://www.linkedprocess.org   - Computing at LinkedData scale.
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