Friendly greetings !

I'm currently experimenting with Groovy and Grails (Groovy on Rails, heh!).
I'm also planning to build a web interface to play with my neo4j database.
(not in grails, as it use hibernate and ORM, which seems to be totally
incompatible (and counter-intuitive) with neo4j and any graphdb).

I know Jetty (very cool!!!), tomcat (Mmm ...)
i wanted to experiment with glassfish v3, as it integrate a *lot* of
feature, including JavaDB (Sun's Apache Derby) and... Groovy/Grails

unzip, ./bin/as-admin start-dopain, http://localhost:4848/ , pick my
jaw of the floor !
I haven't explored all the admin page yet, but that's some impressive
stuff ! o_O

I'll be pleased to read feedback about various java application server,

and solution to display neo4 graph in a webpage (javascript, java applet, ... ?)

Thank you, see you soon ! :)

Laurent "ker2x" Laborde
Sysadmin & DBA at
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