Perhaps a linked list using relationships?

Or even a btree should be doable?

------Original Message------
From: Mattias Ask
To: Neo user discussions
ReplyTo: Neo user discussions
Subject: [Neo] Leaderboard?
Sent: Mar 15, 2010 11:03 AM

I've been thinking of a problem that I have, and would like to hear how you
all would solve it.

I have a use case where the top scoring users should be presented in a
leaderboard. One players action may effect many players scores. How would
you solve this problem when using Neo? I know that I could make all actions
trigger an update to a PlayersScore-table in a relational db, and then do a
"SELECT player_id, score FROM PlayersScores ORDER BY score DESC", but I
would like to know how this can be done in Neo without killing performance.
Any ideas?

Best regards,
Mattias Ask
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