For my application, I want to model an HTML template in Neo4J, using the 
MetaModel api. 

So I started setting up MetaModelClasses for the various HTML entities. 

e.g. (code in Scala)

val classProp = namespace.getMetaProperty("class", true)
val idProp = 
namespace.getMetaProperty("id", true)

val body = namespace.getMetaClass("body", true)

Which creates a class named "body" which has a property named "class" without a 
cardinality restriction and a property named "id" with a cardinality 
restriction of 1.

Now I can create nodes of class "body" with various values for "class" and for 

So far so good, but now I want to say that the class body has a property 
"tagname" which should get the value "body".

The meta model itself doesn't allow classes to have properties, but it allows 
access to the underlying node of the class. 

So I created a separate namespace for the meta meta classes and added the 
following three definitions:

val tagName = metaNamespace.getMetaProperty("tagname", true)
val taggable = metaNamespace.getMetaClass("taggable", true)

body.node.setProperty("tagname", "body")

This creates a property "tagname" with the value "body" for the class named 

Now comes the more ambiguous part, how to link "body" to "taggable".

I can make body.node an instance of taggable. Once there is a validator, the 
existence of a "tagname" property with cardinality 1 should be checked, so it 
is reasonable to make body.node an instance of taggable.

At the same time the class body is actually a subclass of taggable, so I am 
inclined to define that as well.

So I end up doing the following:


I would like to know if this is the correct approach to this situation, or 
whether there are better alternatives.

Kind regards,
Niels Hoogeveen

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