On Sat, May 22, 2010 at 12:08 PM, Eelco Hillenius
<eelco.hillen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>>> What is the best strategy to access a single Neo4J instance from
>>> multiple web application nodes (i.e. a cluster of web application
>>> nodes)? When reading about Remote Graph Database, it seems that it is
>>> only recommended for utility use. Are there any alternatives?
>> Have you looked at the REST server?
> Yeah, I saw that too, but if the RMI server is deemed too inefficient
> for production use (at least that is the impression I get from reading
> about it), I would expect the REST server to do probably equally
> 'bad'. Am I making too big of a deal out of it? :-)
> Which of the two is recommended? And how have people been doing this
> in practice? I was thinking that if the performance hit would be too
> large, I could implement part of my business logic in a separate layer
> with Neo4J running embedded, and then expose more course grained
> services through REST myself. Or would that be prematurely?
> Thanks for any hints, I'm really enjoying working with Neo4J so far,

You might also take a look at Thrift, which would let you define your
own service API and expose it via RPC (Thrift binary protocol).
There's some work here, but it might be easier than messing around
with your own REST API.

If you're already familiar with a messaging tier in Java -- e.g. JMS,
AMQP, etc. -- that's another approach. I've used this and it works
very well. But there's a steep adoption curve.

In general though, I think the approach of wrapping as much of neo4j
as you can, and then exposing that over sockets is sound.

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