On Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 13:18, Craig Taverner <cr...@amanzi.com> wrote:
> Then as a separate step, I switch back to the EmbeddedGraphDatabase,
> traverse the OSM graph and add all geometries found to the layer RTree
> index. Currently the code adds all ways as LineString objects to a single
> mega-layer, but I'm busy working on adding composite geometries to typed
> layers (natural, water, admin, roads, poi). Then the OSM import will produce
> 6 layers, the five typed layers and one raw LineString layer for all ways.

There isn't also a Layer with all the points?
I thought the first step was to import all nodes as points and the
second step to create geometries from Ways.

Here's a file describing how to import ways, as lines or as polygons:

Davide Savazzi
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