I am attaching a tar file containing the db directory as well as the xml file 
used to load the initial data.  Also since this runs as a webservice the data 
is loading first when the app starts up and then the algorithm runs each time a 
webservice call is made to calculate the shortest path. 

Also I am using 64 bit jdk 1.6  on the mac with heap setting of -Xmx4096.

I appreciate your help in troubleshooting this further.Regards

> From: michael.hun...@neotechnology.com
> Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2011 17:19:46 +0100
> To: user@lists.neo4j.org
> Subject: Re: [Neo4j] Calculating shortest paths in a large graph
> You can also zip the graph database directory and send it to me or tobias.
> Do you run the algorithm just after the insertion of the data or in a 
> separate run?
> Thanks
> Michael
> Am 30.01.2011 um 16:44 schrieb Saikat Kanjilal:
> > 
> > Looks like the heap dump file didn't come across in my post, so here's the 
> > heap dump:
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
> >     at org.neo4j.kernel.impl.util.ArrayMap.put(ArrayMap.java:75)
> >     at 
> > org.neo4j.kernel.impl.nioneo.xa.ReadTransaction.relGetProperties(ReadTransaction.java:157)
> >     at 
> > org.neo4j.kernel.impl.nioneo.xa.NioNeoDbPersistenceSource$ReadOnlyResourceConnection.relLoadProperties(NioNeoDbPersistenceSource.java:255)
> >     at 
> > org.neo4j.kernel.impl.persistence.PersistenceManager.loadRelProperties(PersistenceManager.java:113)
> >     at 
> > org.neo4j.kernel.impl.core.NodeManager.loadProperties(NodeManager.java:638)
> >     at 
> > org.neo4j.kernel.impl.core.RelationshipImpl.loadProperties(RelationshipImpl.java:88)
> >     at 
> > org.neo4j.kernel.impl.core.Primitive.ensureFullProperties(Primitive.java:574)
> >     at org.neo4j.kernel.impl.core.Primitive.getProperty(Primitive.java:141)
> >     at 
> > org.neo4j.kernel.impl.core.RelationshipProxy.getProperty(RelationshipProxy.java:91)
> >     at 
> > org.neo4j.graphalgo.impl.util.DoubleEvaluator.getCost(DoubleEvaluator.java:39)
> >     at 
> > org.neo4j.graphalgo.impl.util.DoubleEvaluator.getCost(DoubleEvaluator.java:27)
> >     at 
> > org.neo4j.graphalgo.impl.path.Dijkstra$SelectorFactory.calculateValue(Dijkstra.java:101)
> >     at 
> > org.neo4j.graphalgo.impl.path.Dijkstra$SelectorFactory.calculateValue(Dijkstra.java:89)
> >     at 
> > org.neo4j.graphalgo.impl.util.BestFirstSelectorFactory$BestFirstSelector.next(BestFirstSelectorFactory.java:67)
> >     at 
> > org.neo4j.kernel.impl.traversal.TraverserImpl$TraverserIterator.fetchNextOrNull(TraverserImpl.java:128)
> >     at 
> > org.neo4j.kernel.impl.traversal.TraverserImpl$TraverserIterator.fetchNextOrNull(TraverserImpl.java:95)
> >     at 
> > org.neo4j.helpers.collection.PrefetchingIterator.hasNext(PrefetchingIterator.java:56)
> >     at 
> > org.neo4j.graphalgo.impl.util.StopAfterWeightIterator.fetchNextOrNull(StopAfterWeightIterator.java:46)
> >     at 
> > org.neo4j.graphalgo.impl.util.StopAfterWeightIterator.fetchNextOrNull(StopAfterWeightIterator.java:30)
> >     at 
> > org.neo4j.helpers.collection.PrefetchingIterator.hasNext(PrefetchingIterator.java:56)
> >     at 
> > org.neo4j.graphalgo.impl.path.Dijkstra.findSinglePath(Dijkstra.java:86)
> >     at 
> > org.neo4j.graphalgo.impl.path.Dijkstra.findSinglePath(Dijkstra.java:46)
> >     at 
> > com.hbc.locationservices.graph.GraphManager.findCheapestPathWithDijkstra(GraphManager.java:339)
> >     at 
> > com.hbc.locationservices.graph.GraphManager.getNodesInCheapestPath(GraphManager.java:413)
> >     at 
> > com.hbc.locationservices.graph.GraphManager$$FastClassByCGLIB$$167175c8.invoke(<generated>)
> >     at net.sf.cglib.proxy.MethodProxy.invoke(MethodProxy.java:149)
> >     at 
> > org.springframework.aop.framework.Cglib2AopProxy$CglibMethodInvocation.invokeJoinpoint(Cglib2AopProxy.java:688)
> >     at 
> > org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(ReflectiveMethodInvocation.java:150)
> >     at 
> > org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionInterceptor.invoke(TransactionInterceptor.java:110)
> >     at 
> > org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(ReflectiveMethodInvocation.java:172)
> >     at 
> > org.springframework.aop.framework.Cglib2AopProxy$DynamicAdvisedInterceptor.intercept(Cglib2AopProxy.java:621)
> >     at 
> > com.hbc.locationservices.graph.GraphManager$$EnhancerByCGLIB$$64354524.getNodesInCheapestPath(<generated>)
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Regards
> > From: sxk1...@hotmail.com
> > To: user@lists.neo4j.org
> > Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2011 07:41:00 -0800
> > Subject: Re: [Neo4j] Calculating shortest paths in a large graph
> > 
> > 
> > Hello Tobias,Thanks very much for your help, to be clear I want to find the 
> > path that has the least cost, in this case length is the determinator for 
> > doing this.  The total number of nodes are roughly around a 100 but not 
> > much more.  I am attaching my heap dump,my code for parsing the google 
> > earth data as well as the actual xml file I use to parse and load the data, 
> > managing the Graph and the relationships.  
> > My project does the following:1) Create a physical graph based on google 
> > earth with a set of nodes and paths2) Load the contents of the google earth 
> > file into neo4j using regular expressions to parse the xml3) Run the 
> > dijkstra algorithm on this graph
> > 
> > 
> > Your help is much appreciated, let me know if there's anything else I can 
> > provide.Regards
> > 
> >> From: tobias.ivars...@neotechnology.com
> >> Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2011 16:22:42 +0100
> >> To: user@lists.neo4j.org
> >> Subject: Re: [Neo4j] Calculating shortest paths in a large graph
> >> 
> >> Hi Saikat,
> >> 
> >> This was a strange one.
> >> 
> >> Are you sure you only have 100 nodes? That is really tiny, and your title
> >> said "large graph". How many relationships?
> >> 
> >> I really cant see a way this could run into heap space issues, what does
> >> your heap configuration look like?
> >> 
> >> 1) Batch insertion will not help you, since you aren't inserting, you are
> >> reading from the graph.
> >> 2) Granted, Dijkstra isn't the best algorithm for finding the cheapest path
> >> (that's what it finds, not shortest path), but with a small graph it should
> >> still terminate quickly.
> >> 3) Unless you are running this on a machine with only 8MB of RAM (or
> >> something equally silly), hardware should not be your problem.
> >> 
> >> If the specifications you've specified are in fact correct, and your graph
> >> only contains 100 nodes, then could you please provide me with a heap dump
> >> so that I can analyze where heap is being wasted, because OOM on such a
> >> small graph would be a bug.
> >> 
> >> To get a heap dump when the program throws OOME, provide the following
> >> startup parameter to the JVM:
> >> -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError
> >> You can send the resulting .hprof-file to me directly, the mailing list is 
> >> a
> >> bit restrictive about attachments.
> >> If the graph is larger, and the "100 nodes" part was a typo, then switching
> >> algorithm might be a good solution, Dijkstra is not optimal for large
> >> graphs.
> >> 
> >> I'd love to help, but I need some more details, because this seems strange
> >> to me.
> >> Cheers,
> >> Tobias
> >> 
> >> On Sun, Jan 30, 2011 at 3:19 PM, Saikat Kanjilal 
> >> <sxk1...@hotmail.com>wrote:
> >> 
> >>> 
> >>> Hi Folks,I'm working on a little route planning spring based neo4j service
> >>> where I initially  load up all my data into neo4j and have about a 100
> >>> nodes, however it seems that I am running into heap space issues when
> >>> running the Dijkstra Algorithm for any traversals that are relatively far
> >>> apart (i.e. opposite ends of the graph).  I have tried to increase the 
> >>> heap
> >>> space but that didn't seem to make a difference.   Note that I am not
> >>> currently using batch insertion and am using neo4j's transaction manager
> >>> with spring with the @Transactional annotation to perform all 
> >>> transactions.
> >>> I was wondering what the areas are that I can look at to get past this.
> >>> The things that are coming to mind include:
> >>> 1) Adding batch insertion2) Trying the other algorithms like AStar3)
> >>> Running this on more powerful hardware
> >>> 
> >>> Number 3 seems unlikely based on all I've read on neo4j and its 
> >>> performance
> >>> characteristics.  I can attach my code if needed but being a newbie to 
> >>> neo4j
> >>> I wanted to understand what I'm missing conceptually that could be causing
> >>> these issues.
> >>> Best Regards
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> _______________________________________________
> >>> Neo4j mailing list
> >>> User@lists.neo4j.org
> >>> https://lists.neo4j.org/mailman/listinfo/user
> >>> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> -- 
> >> Tobias Ivarsson <tobias.ivars...@neotechnology.com>
> >> Hacker, Neo Technology
> >> www.neotechnology.com
> >> Cellphone: +46 706 534857
> >> _______________________________________________
> >> Neo4j mailing list
> >> User@lists.neo4j.org
> >> https://lists.neo4j.org/mailman/listinfo/user
> >                                       
> > 
> > _______________________________________________
> > Neo4j mailing list
> > User@lists.neo4j.org
> > https://lists.neo4j.org/mailman/listinfo/user                               
> >           
> > _______________________________________________
> > Neo4j mailing list
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> > https://lists.neo4j.org/mailman/listinfo/user
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