Since you have not sent a heap dump file (what you have sent is a stack
trace, and they aren't very useful on OOME), what I would need to do is to
recreate your database from your xml-file (the database zip you sent was
empty), and rerun your code on that to reproduce the problem.

I have not had time to do that yet.

If you could send the actual *.hprof-file that is written to the working
directory of the java process when the OutOfMemoryError occurs (if you've
started the jvm with -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError) then I could analyze
this quicker. If the file is too large to send as an e-mail attachment
perhaps you could upload it to dropbox or similar. Otherwise I'll let you
know when I've had time to recreate your database and analyze the problem.


On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 4:13 PM, Saikat Kanjilal <>wrote:

> Tobias/Michael et al,I was wondering if you guys had a chance to do some
> more analysis on this heap space issue, I have sent you the zipped up
> contents of part of the heap dump file problem report, the graph directory
> and parts of the code.  Additionally I am also sending the spring
> configuration files and the web services code zipped up in this email.
>  Yesterday I increased the heap size to be really large and the process ran
> for about 10 minutes to calculate the shortest path without arriving at the
> answer.
> Let me know if I am missing something obvious.Regards
> > From:
> > Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2011 17:19:46 +0100
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: [Neo4j] Calculating shortest paths in a large graph
> >
> > You can also zip the graph database directory and send it to me or
> tobias.
> >
> > Do you run the algorithm just after the insertion of the data or in a
> separate run?
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Michael
> >
> > Am 30.01.2011 um 16:44 schrieb Saikat Kanjilal:
> >
> > >
> > > Looks like the heap dump file didn't come across in my post, so here's
> the heap dump:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
> > >     at org.neo4j.kernel.impl.util.ArrayMap.put(
> > >     at
> org.neo4j.kernel.impl.nioneo.xa.ReadTransaction.relGetProperties(
> > >     at
> org.neo4j.kernel.impl.nioneo.xa.NioNeoDbPersistenceSource$ReadOnlyResourceConnection.relLoadProperties(
> > >     at
> org.neo4j.kernel.impl.persistence.PersistenceManager.loadRelProperties(
> > >     at
> org.neo4j.kernel.impl.core.NodeManager.loadProperties(
> > >     at
> org.neo4j.kernel.impl.core.RelationshipImpl.loadProperties(
> > >     at
> org.neo4j.kernel.impl.core.Primitive.ensureFullProperties(
> > >     at
> org.neo4j.kernel.impl.core.Primitive.getProperty(
> > >     at
> org.neo4j.kernel.impl.core.RelationshipProxy.getProperty(
> > >     at
> org.neo4j.graphalgo.impl.util.DoubleEvaluator.getCost(
> > >     at
> org.neo4j.graphalgo.impl.util.DoubleEvaluator.getCost(
> > >     at
> org.neo4j.graphalgo.impl.path.Dijkstra$SelectorFactory.calculateValue(
> > >     at
> org.neo4j.graphalgo.impl.path.Dijkstra$SelectorFactory.calculateValue(
> > >     at
> org.neo4j.graphalgo.impl.util.BestFirstSelectorFactory$
> > >     at
> org.neo4j.kernel.impl.traversal.TraverserImpl$TraverserIterator.fetchNextOrNull(
> > >     at
> org.neo4j.kernel.impl.traversal.TraverserImpl$TraverserIterator.fetchNextOrNull(
> > >     at
> org.neo4j.helpers.collection.PrefetchingIterator.hasNext(
> > >     at
> org.neo4j.graphalgo.impl.util.StopAfterWeightIterator.fetchNextOrNull(
> > >     at
> org.neo4j.graphalgo.impl.util.StopAfterWeightIterator.fetchNextOrNull(
> > >     at
> org.neo4j.helpers.collection.PrefetchingIterator.hasNext(
> > >     at
> org.neo4j.graphalgo.impl.path.Dijkstra.findSinglePath(
> > >     at
> org.neo4j.graphalgo.impl.path.Dijkstra.findSinglePath(
> > >     at
> com.hbc.locationservices.graph.GraphManager.findCheapestPathWithDijkstra(
> > >     at
> com.hbc.locationservices.graph.GraphManager.getNodesInCheapestPath(
> > >     at
> com.hbc.locationservices.graph.GraphManager$$FastClassByCGLIB$$167175c8.invoke(<generated>)
> > >     at net.sf.cglib.proxy.MethodProxy.invoke(
> > >     at
> org.springframework.aop.framework.Cglib2AopProxy$CglibMethodInvocation.invokeJoinpoint(
> > >     at
> org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(
> > >     at
> org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionInterceptor.invoke(
> > >     at
> org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(
> > >     at
> org.springframework.aop.framework.Cglib2AopProxy$DynamicAdvisedInterceptor.intercept(
> > >     at
> com.hbc.locationservices.graph.GraphManager$$EnhancerByCGLIB$$64354524.getNodesInCheapestPath(<generated>)
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Regards
> > > From:
> > > To:
> > > Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2011 07:41:00 -0800
> > > Subject: Re: [Neo4j] Calculating shortest paths in a large graph
> > >
> > >
> > > Hello Tobias,Thanks very much for your help, to be clear I want to find
> the path that has the least cost, in this case length is the determinator
> for doing this.  The total number of nodes are roughly around a 100 but not
> much more.  I am attaching my heap dump,my code for parsing the google earth
> data as well as the actual xml file I use to parse and load the data,
> managing the Graph and the relationships.
> > > My project does the following:1) Create a physical graph based on
> google earth with a set of nodes and paths2) Load the contents of the google
> earth file into neo4j using regular expressions to parse the xml3) Run the
> dijkstra algorithm on this graph
> > >
> > >
> > > Your help is much appreciated, let me know if there's anything else I
> can provide.Regards
> > >
> > >> From:
> > >> Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2011 16:22:42 +0100
> > >> To:
> > >> Subject: Re: [Neo4j] Calculating shortest paths in a large graph
> > >>
> > >> Hi Saikat,
> > >>
> > >> This was a strange one.
> > >>
> > >> Are you sure you only have 100 nodes? That is really tiny, and your
> title
> > >> said "large graph". How many relationships?
> > >>
> > >> I really cant see a way this could run into heap space issues, what
> does
> > >> your heap configuration look like?
> > >>
> > >> 1) Batch insertion will not help you, since you aren't inserting, you
> are
> > >> reading from the graph.
> > >> 2) Granted, Dijkstra isn't the best algorithm for finding the cheapest
> path
> > >> (that's what it finds, not shortest path), but with a small graph it
> should
> > >> still terminate quickly.
> > >> 3) Unless you are running this on a machine with only 8MB of RAM (or
> > >> something equally silly), hardware should not be your problem.
> > >>
> > >> If the specifications you've specified are in fact correct, and your
> graph
> > >> only contains 100 nodes, then could you please provide me with a heap
> dump
> > >> so that I can analyze where heap is being wasted, because OOM on such
> a
> > >> small graph would be a bug.
> > >>
> > >> To get a heap dump when the program throws OOME, provide the following
> > >> startup parameter to the JVM:
> > >> -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError
> > >> You can send the resulting .hprof-file to me directly, the mailing
> list is a
> > >> bit restrictive about attachments.
> > >> If the graph is larger, and the "100 nodes" part was a typo, then
> switching
> > >> algorithm might be a good solution, Dijkstra is not optimal for large
> > >> graphs.
> > >>
> > >> I'd love to help, but I need some more details, because this seems
> strange
> > >> to me.
> > >> Cheers,
> > >> Tobias
> > >>
> > >> On Sun, Jan 30, 2011 at 3:19 PM, Saikat Kanjilal <
> >wrote:
> > >>
> > >>>
> > >>> Hi Folks,I'm working on a little route planning spring based neo4j
> service
> > >>> where I initially  load up all my data into neo4j and have about a
> 100
> > >>> nodes, however it seems that I am running into heap space issues when
> > >>> running the Dijkstra Algorithm for any traversals that are relatively
> far
> > >>> apart (i.e. opposite ends of the graph).  I have tried to increase
> the heap
> > >>> space but that didn't seem to make a difference.   Note that I am not
> > >>> currently using batch insertion and am using neo4j's transaction
> manager
> > >>> with spring with the @Transactional annotation to perform all
> transactions.
> > >>> I was wondering what the areas are that I can look at to get past
> this.
> > >>> The things that are coming to mind include:
> > >>> 1) Adding batch insertion2) Trying the other algorithms like AStar3)
> > >>> Running this on more powerful hardware
> > >>>
> > >>> Number 3 seems unlikely based on all I've read on neo4j and its
> performance
> > >>> characteristics.  I can attach my code if needed but being a newbie
> to neo4j
> > >>> I wanted to understand what I'm missing conceptually that could be
> causing
> > >>> these issues.
> > >>> Best Regards
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>> _______________________________________________
> > >>> Neo4j mailing list
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> --
> > >> Tobias Ivarsson <>
> > >> Hacker, Neo Technology
> > >>
> > >> Cellphone: +46 706 534857
> > >> _______________________________________________
> > >> Neo4j mailing list
> > >>
> > >>
> > >
> > >
> > > _______________________________________________
> > > Neo4j mailing list
> > >
> > >
> > > _______________________________________________
> > > Neo4j mailing list
> > >
> > >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Neo4j mailing list
> >
> >
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> Neo4j mailing list

Tobias Ivarsson <>
Hacker, Neo Technology
Cellphone: +46 706 534857
Neo4j mailing list

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