Hi there,

this weekend I was away from a computer so I spent some time brainstorming 
things. I would be interested in any feedback on those thoughts and would like 
to broaden the audience beyond the devteam.

My question: Has anyone ever tried to use Neo4j as a document store ala MongoDB.

The idea. From the root node have relationships to a number of buckets or 

>From each collection root have a b-tree to all key-nodes of the system.

Each key-node is just connected by some specfic relationships (like "contains" 
or "link" or "subdocument") to its data. (i.e. nodes, relationships and their 
properties) not necessarily to other parts of the graph.

So for each key node one uses just a default traverser (depth-first, end of 
graph, limited to outgoing relationships of the mentioned types) to collect the 
whole document (or custom traversers to retrieve only parts of the documents).

That could be an interesting experiment to run.


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