Ok, sounds great.

Currently we're using a rather classical approach (as Rick I think) 
which is, storing binary content in the file system. In our CMS use 
case, we have a typical properties/binary ratio of 10/90 percent, so the 
Neo store remains small and handy. Another benefit is that direct file 
access is easy and matured. But it's outside Neo.


On 06.02.2011 22:14, Michael Hunger wrote:
> Axel,
> Actually you could do both.
> I collapsed the "file-system-structure" to a simple notion of collection + 
> key as in mongodb but of course you could use the "filesystem metaphor" to 
> model the b-tree that resolves a key that represents a "path" to the document 
> node.
> Michael
> Am 06.02.2011 um 22:09 schrieb Axel Morgner:
>> Hi Michael,
>> just for clarification: Do you refer to how to store the internal
>> structure of BSON documents, or how to store documents in a
>> filesystem-like tree structure?
>> Axel
>> On 06.02.2011 21:50, Michael Hunger wrote:
>>> Hi there,
>>> this weekend I was away from a computer so I spent some time brainstorming 
>>> things. I would be interested in any feedback on those thoughts and would 
>>> like to broaden the audience beyond the devteam.
>>> My question: Has anyone ever tried to use Neo4j as a document store ala 
>>> MongoDB.
>>> The idea. From the root node have relationships to a number of buckets or 
>>> "collections".
>>>  From each collection root have a b-tree to all key-nodes of the system.
>>> Each key-node is just connected by some specfic relationships (like 
>>> "contains" or "link" or "subdocument") to its data. (i.e. nodes, 
>>> relationships and their properties) not necessarily to other parts of the 
>>> graph.
>>> So for each key node one uses just a default traverser (depth-first, end of 
>>> graph, limited to outgoing relationships of the mentioned types) to collect 
>>> the whole document (or custom traversers to retrieve only parts of the 
>>> documents).
>>> That could be an interesting experiment to run.
>>> WDYT?
>>> Michael
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