Thanks for the ideas!

OK, I'll tell a bit more about my current scenario. I use the graph to 
store medium sized texts (various sizes, 1 - 30kb) with some properties, 
their tokens (1-2-3 word phrases) with many properties, and some other 
stuff too which is not relevant now.
Since I use the graph for teaching AI algoritms, I need to query (and 
modify) large parts of the graph from time to time and I cannot do any 
pruning here (at least I didn't find a way to do that). The 
relationships I use are mainly the same type and I cannot really 
distinguish them in the domain. The only thing I can think of is to 
introduce different types of relationships based on word count for 
tokens (e.g.: TOKEN_1, TOKEN_2, TOKEN_3 for 1-2-3 length phrases). 
Otherwise they are considered the same. And all the text nodes are 
connected to the reference node (I have *many* text nodes). The most 
problematic part is to query (a part of) the text nodes.
Currently I access the DB through the REST API mainly because I need to 
have concurrent access and it seemed a good solution at first when I 
started the project. I use travesing to query the nodes/relationships I 
need and I also use the indexing service for various tasks (duplicate 
check, node lookup). Since the relationships I use have the same type, I 
cannot write efficient prune evaluators. It would be good if I could 
query the results in more groups each returning only ~100 results but I 
have no ways to tell the traverser where to start and where to stop (the 
graph itself doesn't have such information).

If I understand well Your advice I should implement complex server 
plugins and call them using REST? So actually I put parts of the program 
logic to the DB server? This will have better performance but won't it 
make development harder (program logic is distibuted on different levels)?

Yes, unfortunately I need concurrent write access. However, sharing the 
GraphDatabaseService object might be usable for me. I'll investigate 
this approach too.

Thanks again,
Miklós Kiss

2011.02.28. 10:38 keltezéssel, Michael Hunger írta:
> Miklós,
> you should actually do both :)
> So go for the embedded version to create domain specific service calls for 
> interacting with your database.
> And then expose those as your own REST-endpoints using either a Server-Plugin 
> or an unmanaged extension.
> The current REST server API is too noisy to transfer that many relationships 
> per node.
> How do you currently use the REST server API ? Which calls?
> If you don't already do traversals then you should definitely look into them. 
> (Rather than traversing node relationships one by one).
> With the traversal you can already specify javascript code that is executed 
> in the server context for pruning and filtering.
> Do you need concurrent write access? Otherwise the other stores can work in 
> readonly mode against the database.
> And concurrent access from inside the same VM is no problem, you can easily 
> share the GraphDatabaseService object.
> Perhaps you can also tell us a bit about your domain and how it is modelled 
> to support you there.
> Cheers
> Michael
> Am 28.02.2011 um 10:19 schrieb Kiss Miklós:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm wondering if I'm using the Neo4j graph database right. My current
>> graph structure contains many relations for every single node. Some of
>> the nodes have>10000 relations which is hard to traverse using REST
>> server (collecting nodes is heavy on memory and transmitting is heavy on
>> bandwith).
>> My first question is: is this structure a useable one or should I
>> restructure my graph so that the number of direct relationships becomes
>> much lower (don't really know how could I do that and it would obfuscate
>> the domain model)?
>> My second question is: if I leave the structure that way, I could solve
>> the performance issues if I used the embedded version of neo. However, I
>> need to have concurrent access to the graph. Is this possible?
>> Thanks,
>> Miklós Kiss
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