The RelationshipType isn't a type. It is a navigational feature.

I've slapped this link around for a few years now, every time this question
has been brought up:

The fact that RelationshipType is a navigational feature and not a type
means that there is in fact already a corresponding thing for nodes: the

But I agree that there would be things we could gain by adding a Type
concept to Nodes. Such as for example better automatic indexing. But I don't
know what it would look like. And I want it to be clear that such a feature
is very different from what RelationshipType is today.


On Thu, May 5, 2011 at 10:29 AM, Aseem Kishore <>wrote:

> I've found it interesting that Neo4j has a mandatory "type" property on
> relationships, but not nodes. Just curious, what's the reasoning behind the
> design having this distinction?
> If you say "you need to know what type of relationship these two nodes
> have", I would reply, "don't you also need to know what type of nodes they
> are, as well?"
> Similarly, if you say "because there can be many different types of
> relationships", I would reply, "there can also be many different types of
> nodes, and in both cases, there doesn't need to be".
> A perfect example is in the documentation/tutorial: movies and actors. Just
> the fact that we talk about the nodes in the database as "movies" and
> "actors" -- wouldn't it be helpful for the database to support that
> categorization first-class?
> To be precise, it's easy for us to add a "type" property to nodes ourselves
> (we do in our usage), but it's not a first-class property like
> relationships, where queries and traversals can easily and naturally
> specify
> the type or types they expect.
> Thanks!
> Aseem
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