Hey Manav,

There is a PHP REST client available on github at
https://github.com/jakewins/Neo4j.php .  I'm also in the process of
building my own at https://github.com/jadell/Neo4jPHP, though that one
is not ready for production yet.  All-in-all, I've found the REST API
very responsive and easy to use.  I'm running Neo4j on the same
machine as my web server, so I can't speak to network latency, though
I would imagine it's no worse than any other HTTP request.  I've also
worked with datasets of several tens of thousands of nodes so far, and
the responses have still been pretty quick.  I have identified a few
bugs, but the devs on the list have been very responsive so I'm sure
the bugs will be fixed in short order.

Hope this helps, and good luck with your project.

-- Josh Adell
Neo4j mailing list

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