On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 5:20 PM, Mattias Persson
<matt...@neotechnology.com> wrote:

> Hi, could you clarify a bit what you mean? Do you have one node which is
> indexed in one index with millions of key/value pairs? What about
> relationships, you said that you had many relationships to a single node.
> How many relationships can one node have in your model?

I have one node indexed in one index with one indexed property named
which have millions values, fox ex:
 - Node id 10 is indexed within index "identify" with this key / value pairs:
        KEY            VALUE
      identity               1
      identity               2
      identity               3
          ...                  ...
      identity       250.000.000

These key/value pairs are the only present in that specific index and
are unique.

I have to finish the load of my data into DB but perhaps it could have
100.000.000 relationships.

Thanks for any hint you could give...
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