On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 11:56 PM, Michael Hunger
<michael.hun...@neotechnology.com> wrote:

> Massimo,
> could you please look into the Lucene Document instance that you add all the 
> fields to?

You're right... I add only the NodeId and my own hash... Which fields
do you add?

> If it also contains this ultralarge ArrayList with all the Fields ?

As I said It only contains the Fields relative to the NodeId and the Hash

> And which version of lucene did you use for your standalone testing?

I use 3.1.0.

BTW I'm testing resin and even couchdb for the index part but I don't
like it that much cause that index phase will be out of the node4j
Transaction and I want to isolate all that operations in a Tranaction.
Have you hint for me on how to "extend" the node4j Transaction... is
that extensible?

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