
as you're in Germany you probably want to come along to our Berlin Graph-Meetup 
tomorrow (Tue, June 28th, c-base Raumstation, Berlin Mitte, starts at 1900).



Am 27.06.2011 um 15:37 schrieb Stefan Zapf:

> Hi Jim,
> thanks for taking the time to answer my newbie questions! We were 
> thinking about trying to spread anything that could be usefully queried 
> over multiple nodes to enhance the search algorithms. Just when I saw 
> the firts graph forming, it seemed like jungle that my brain couldn't 
> penetrate. Having no experience we got some doubt, but it's good to hear 
> from you that we can follow our initial impulse.
> If I can, I will come to one of the tutorial sessions. Thanks for the 
> invite!
> Best
> Stefan
> Am 27.06.2011 14:57, schrieb Jim Webber:
>> Hi Stefan,
>> These are good points, and I don't think we have yet reached a mature level 
>> of best practice as the relational folks have.  But I don't think graph 
>> modelling is too hard. I have a couple of rules of thumb:
>> 1. Model entities as entities and use relationships to describe how those 
>> entities are related, don't be tempted to do anything more than basic facts 
>> - the aggregate of all those basic facts is sophisticated knowledge.
>> 2. If you find your relationships have names like SENT_EMAIL_TO then you're 
>> missing an entity (in this case an email entity, naturally). So instead of
>> Alice --SENT_EMAIL_TO-->Bob
>> Alice--CC_EMAIL_TO-->Charles
>> Use
>> Alice-->SENT-->A specific email node
>> Bob<--TO--A specific email node
>> Charles<--CC--A specific email node
>> That is, always look for places where you've hidden useful entities within 
>> relationships.
>> FWIW Ian Robinson and I are doing the rounds doing a Neo4j tutorial that 
>> covers some of this kind of design material. Hop on one of those courses if 
>> you can. Otherwise the tutorial material is freely available here: 
>> Jim
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