Anfang der weitergeleiteten E-Mail:

> Von: datablend <>
> Datum: 17. Juli 2011 17:40:39 MESZ
> An: Michael Hunger <>
> Betreff: Re: [Neo4j] RDF Examples not working - parent-pom
> Hi Michael,
> Thanks for the information. Wrote a new article on the use of Tinkerpop for 
> importing and querying RDF data:
> Greetings,
> Davy
> On 14 Jul 2011, at 17:50, Michael Hunger wrote:
>> Davy,
>> you used the neo4j-sail project for your examples, tools and demos. 
>> Unfortunately that one is no longer under active development, so things like 
>> the parent pom issue pop up.
>> Would you mind having a look at the much more complete and up to date sail 
>> implementation from tinkerpop to run on top of neo4j?
>> Thanks so much and great work !
>> Michael
>> Anfang der weitergeleiteten E-Mail:
>>> Von: Thomas Fritz <>
>>> Datum: 14. Juli 2011 17:33:06 MESZ
>>> An: Neo4j user discussions <>
>>> Betreff: Re: [Neo4j] RDF Examples not working - parent-pom
>>> Antwort an: Neo4j user discussions <>
>>> Hi,
>>> No, it is of course not in my own pom.xml - the projects pom.xml - it
>>> is in the Neo4J dependencies (rdf, sparql, sail). I think it has to be
>>> fixed from Neo4J and has to be updated on maven central?
>>> Kind regards
>>> ---
>>> Thomas FRITZ
>>> web
>>> twitter
>>> 2011/7/14 Michael Hunger <>:
>>>> It should be directly in your pom.xml at the top, there is an xml section 
>>>> with the parent element.
>>>> Cheers
>>>> Michael
>>>> If that is not in your local pom, try to pull that project from svn remove 
>>>> that section and build it locally.
>>>> Am 14.07.2011 um 14:49 schrieb Thomas Fritz:
>>>>> Thanks for answering!
>>>>> How can i remove the parent section from the pom.xml? It is in the
>>>>> dependency project maven tries to resolve, right? So how and where can
>>>>> i edit it?
>>>>> Kind regards
>>>>> ---
>>>>> Thomas FRITZ
>>>>> web
>>>>> twitter
>>>>> 2011/7/14 Michael Hunger <>:
>>>>>> You can just try to remove the
>>>>>> <parent>
>>>>>> ...
>>>>>> </parent>
>>>>>> block, that should work. Those are just meant for being built integrated 
>>>>>> in a larger system build.
>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>> Michael
>>>>>> Am 14.07.2011 um 13:23 schrieb Thomas Fritz:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> Who can fix this? As i can see one of the neo4j-rdf dependencys pulls
>>>>>>> that dependency in.
>>>>>>> Or can i bypass and fix it locally until it is fixed?
>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>> Kind regards
>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>> Thomas FRITZ
>>>>>>> web
>>>>>>> twitter
>>>>>>> 2011/7/14 Peter Neubauer <>:
>>>>>>>> Not sure but parent - pom should maybe be parent - central?
>>>>>>>> /peter
>>>>>>>> Sent from my phone.
>>>>>>>> On Jul 14, 2011 12:23 PM, "Thomas Fritz" <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I have tried the code example from here: .
>>>>>>>>> I downloaded the source from github -
>>>>>>>>> . I have also tried this
>>>>>>>>> example:
>>>>>>>>> They both can not be build with maven. The "parent-pom" can not be
>>>>>>>>> found by maven. I am using netbeans 7 with bundled maven 3.0.3:
>>>>>>>>> <code>
>>>>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>> Building Unnamed - neo4j-sail-test:neo4j-sail-test:jar:1.0
>>>>>>>>>   task-segment: [clean, install]
>>>>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>> [clean:clean]
>>>>>>>>> Deleting directory
>>>>>>>> /home/thomas/Projekte/Neo4J-Tests/neo4j-sail-test/target
>>>>>>>>> [resources:resources]
>>>>>>>>> Using platform encoding (UTF-8 actually) to copy filtered resources,
>>>>>>>>> i.e. build is platform dependent!
>>>>>>>>> Copying 1 resource
>>>>>>>>> snapshot org.neo4j:neo4j-rdf-sail:0.6-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates
>>>>>>>>> from central
>>>>>>>>> snapshot org.neo4j:neo4j-rdf-sail:0.6-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates
>>>>>>>>> from aduna-repo
>>>>>>>>> snapshot org.neo4j:neo4j-kernel:1.1-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates
>>>>>>>>> from aduna-repo
>>>>>>>>> snapshot org.neo4j:neo4j-kernel:1.1-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates
>>>>>>>>> from neo4j-snapshot-repository
>>>>>>>>> snapshot org.neo4j:neo4j-kernel:1.1-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates
>>>>>>>>> from sonatype-nexus-snapshots
>>>>>>>>> snapshot org.neo4j:neo4j-rdf:0.7-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from
>>>>>>>> aduna-repo
>>>>>>>>> snapshot org.neo4j:neo4j-rdf:0.7-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from
>>>>>>>>> sonatype-nexus-snapshots
>>>>>>>>> snapshot org.neo4j:neo4j-meta-model:0.9-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates
>>>>>>>>> from aduna-repo
>>>>>>>>> snapshot org.neo4j:neo4j-meta-model:0.9-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates
>>>>>>>>> from sonatype-nexus-snapshots
>>>>>>>>> snapshot org.neo4j:parent-pom:7-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from
>>>>>>>> aduna-repo
>>>>>>>>> snapshot org.neo4j:parent-pom:7-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from
>>>>>>>>> sonatype-nexus-snapshots
>>>>>>>>> Downloading:
>>>>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>> BUILD ERROR
>>>>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>> Error building POM (may not be this project's POM).
>>>>>>>>> Project ID: org.neo4j:neo4j-meta-model:bundle:0.9-SNAPSHOT
>>>>>>>>> Reason: Cannot find parent: org.neo4j:parent-pom for project:
>>>>>>>>> org.neo4j:neo4j-meta-model:bundle:0.9-SNAPSHOT for project
>>>>>>>>> org.neo4j:neo4j-meta-model:bundle:0.9-SNAPSHOT
>>>>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>> For more information, run Maven with the -e switch
>>>>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>> Total time: 8 seconds
>>>>>>>>> Finished at: Thu Jul 14 12:20:44 CEST 2011
>>>>>>>>> Final Memory: 13M/170M
>>>>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>> </code>
>>>>>>>>> Kind regards
>>>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>>>> Thomas FRITZ
>>>>>>>>> web
>>>>>>>>> twitter
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