On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 2:15 PM, st3ven <st3...@web.de> wrote:
> Hi Johan,
> I changed the settings as you described, but that changed the speed not
> really significantly.

The previous configuration would make the machine use swap and that
will kill performance.

> To store the degree as a property on each node is an option, but I want the
> node degree to be calculated from the graph database as I also want to check

The problem is that you are trying to access a 85GB+ dataset using
only 16GB RAM. The recommendation then is to aggregate the information
(store the degree count as a property).

Peter also mentioned using HA (cache sharding) but if you can just get
some more RAM into the machine you will see an improvement.

SSD disk would also help here since you are touching all edges in the
graph while a mechanical disk (in this setup) will have horrible
performance ( low throughput with 99% load on disk). There are SSD
solutions that handle terabytes of data today and they are dropping in

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