You mean something like internationalization?

I don't know if that itself is a responsibility of the datamode/graph.

You could probably use string arrays to store those.

Or do you mean multi-language property names?


Michael, Dresden,Germany

Am 07.10.2011 um 09:24 schrieb Moootron:

> Best Practice for multilanguage properties
> Just a few month I am working with neo4j. We are modeling graphs for new 
> Applications combining ontologies and data for production data.
> The most important thing actually is to have multi language properties for 
> nodes and relations with the following most  important use cases:
> - language amount of each node could differ, this means that node 123 could 
> have EN and DE and node 234 EN and SP.
> - it should be possible to have a simple update process, like language 
> packages, that we can fire to the graph
> Are there any best practices, base concepts or contacts to solve this? ... 
> Thanks and regards from Regensburg-Germany,
> Ottmar
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